Chapter 11

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A chapter with the heroine. And the noble couple you guys love oh so much.

Embracing the graded test papers tightly to her chest, a little girl who did not look older than the age of seven excitedly zoomed down the halls of Morley Estate as her long silky silver hair bounced up and down with her.

A maid called out to her apprehensively. "Lady Kalila, please be careful or you might fall!!" Who knew exactly what the retired Duke and Duchess of Morley would do to her, if their precious granddaughter tripped and fell, hurting herself while she was nearby?

The azure blue eyed girl responded with a bright smile on her face, "don't worry, I won't fall!!"

Reaching to the lounge, she opened it's double doors and entered the room. "Granddad! Grandmom! Guess what?! Guess what?! Guess what?!!!"

"You had too many sweets to eat?" Emma jokingly guessed.

"Grandmom." She dragged out the familial title. "You know that isn't true?! I only had-" She stopped in speech then started to count using her fingers than gave one up once she realized she had truly ate one too many. "-I didn't have that much for today!"

Vincent commented, teasingly. "There is frosting on the side of your mouth."

The silver head child eyes widened as she gasped, dropping the papers onto the floor. She quickly reached for her handkerchief.

"Vincent, only I can poke fun at our Lila. There's no frosting on your adorable face, little one."

On hearing this from her grandmother, Kalila pouted, puffing out her cheeks. She folded her arms over her chest. "Granddad!" She said in a complaining tone.

"Come now Lila, don't be angry. Granddad is sorry. What did you want to show us?"

Kalila speedily picked up the papers, dashed and sat snuggly in between her grandparents. "Look at the scores I got!" She showed them each individual test paper as she happily listed the grades she had gotten in each subject. "I got a 96% in Language Arts! 91% in Math! 93% in Social Studies! 90% in Science! 94% in Music Theory! 99% in Art! And finally a 98% in Magical Studies!!"

"That's amazing Lila!!!" Emma praised with a smile. "We clearly know who she got her brains from."

"Oh, thank you for the compliment. I was always a scholar back when I was in school. Cream of the crop!" Vincent stated.

Emma's brown eyes looked her husband up in down once, twice then thrice then she rolled them. "When was that darling? Are you recalling history wrong with old age? You could have never taken the number one position from me."

"It makes sense that grandmom is smarter than granddad." Kalila nodded her head in agreement with her grandmother's words.

"Look at what kind of wife and granddaughter I have! Ganging up on this old man!"

"Well the truth hurts, is that not right, Lila?" Asked the retired Duchess.

The child nodded. "Yes. Sometimes the truth can hurt-" She tilted her head, voicing and adding an extra thought. "- very badly at that."

Asked the retired Duke. "So what kind of prize do you desire for achieving such outstanding marks?" He tickled Kalila's sides, causing the seven year old to giggle and lean more into the side of her grandmother. "For being an amazing little scholar at that!"

"Yes, we will acquire anything that you wish for."

Sitting back up properly from Vincent's tickle attack, her lips parted to speak then she closed them. She looked down to the floor.

"Lila, anything for you." Emma said.

Her voice was much softer than before. "I-I want a baby brother." She said warmly.

"A little brother, huh?" Vincent said in thought. "An heir for the Morley Family." He knew that Kalila obtaining a baby brother was easier said then done. If it was not for the depressed state that his nephew had been in at that time, their precious granddaughter Kalila might have not been here sitting in between them.

"Lila. This baby brother, this is something you should ask your daddy and mommy for. Go to your mommy and put on your cutest smile and say, "Mommy, can you please give Lila a baby brother to play with, please?"." The blonde directed.

Kalila gave a strong head nod. "Okay! I will!"

Emma stroked the child's soft cheek. Glancing at the clock hanging on the beige wall of the lounge room, the retired Duchess brought up. "It is drawing closer to your nap time, Lila."

Noticing the time because of her grandmother, mentioning it, Kalila stood up. "Oh, you are right. I'll see and talk with granddad and grandmom after my nap!" She walked towards the doors, opening them. "Bye-bye!" And she was gone, the doors closing behind her.

"Have a sweet nap." Vincent said.

Emma sighed. ".....A little brother. It seems like our Lila will have to wait a little while for that."

"Indeed." He agreed. "It seems like that unfaithful and ungrateful nephew of ours is bringing back that woman and ill-bred child as we speak."

"Hmph!" The retired Duchess scoffed. "For the time being we will just have to make that slut a concubine since she gave birth to that bastard! Once those two enter the family, we could always make those two seem to have succumb to natural causes! I cannot accept dirty blood in this family and will not allow our precious Lila to have illegitimate half siblings!! It will be a dirty stain on her for when she enters the royal family and becomes the Crown Princess for his Royal Highness, Prince Theodoric!!!"

"Calm your anger, dear. You should not jeopardize your health for that roach as you have called her. As you have said .... stains, will we not allow anything or anything anyone to hinder Kalila's future. Only a miserable and terrible end awaits those stains."


Already clothed for her nap, Kalila noticed that something was wrong with her nanny. She asked with worry. "Are you alright, Nanny Ophelia?"

Shocked at the sound of the girl's voice, the nanny turned around to face the silver head child. She had been fluffing the child's pillow. "..Oh, Lady Kalila. I did not hear when you came in. And I am quite alright. I am just a little bit concerned with your mother."


"Yes, Milady. When I communicated with her, she seemed very sad."

"Mommy seemed sad? Did she say what was wrong?" The seven year old bombarded the bright pinked haired woman with a series of questions. "Did she get in trouble? Did she have a fight with the old friend she said she was going to visit? What happened?"

Ophelia knew she could not tell the child the truth. "That, I do not have no knowledge of, Milady."

"Hmmm..... Okay then. Before I take a nap, please help me make a charm for mommy's happiness! Oh, we can make one for daddy too!"

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