32 | Psychotic Ex

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Chapter Thirty Two: Psychotic Ex

Christopher walked into first period class five minutes late and Mrs. Greene wasn’t pleased – as usual. The moment he entered the class, she had given him one of her glares and said, “Late again, Hayes.”

“She’s talking like I come late all the time,” Chris mumbled under his breath.

“What was that?” The teacher demanded.

“Nothing. I’m sorry,” Chris apologized. “It won’t happen again.”

“That’s what you said the last time.”

“It’s for real this time,” Chris replied.

“Next time this happens, I won’t hesitate to give you detention,” she said. “Now, go sit.”

“Thank you ma’am,” Chris said and walked to his seat.

Detention, he mused. That should be her last name since she loves it so much. Mrs. Detention, it suits her perfectly well.

It was only after he had settled down that he noticed Hazel isn’t in her usual spot. He looked around, wondering if she is seating somewhere else, because it’s something she can do. Maybe she’s gotten tired of him and decided to get herself a new seat. She has actually been acting strange this week so it’s possible that has happened. But he doesn’t find her in class. Even though she isn’t the type to run late, Chris assumed that’s what’s up.

But now, twenty minutes since he entered the class, her seat is still empty.

Or could she be sick? Chris wonders. He doesn’t think so.

He has been occasionally staring at the entrance for those minutes and she’s yet to walk through that door. Chris doesn’t even notice that Ivy too is absent which would raise suspicions.

After a few minutes more, Chris decides to text her. With his eyes set on the teacher, he discretely pulls out his phone and holds it under his desk so that Mrs. Greene wouldn’t see it. He unlocks it to text her and only then does he remember something very important that he should have remembered all this while.

He doesn’t have her phone number.

Damn! is the first thing that comes to his mind after the realization dawns on him.
It has always been girls giving him their phone number - he never had to ask. He’s so used to that that he didn’t realize he doesn’t have Hazel’s number. And knowing her, she can never just give it to him without him asking. He isn’t even sure she’d give him her phone number if he asks. And he doesn’t have Brooke’s own either. Shows how different both girls are. Chris sighs.

He has to find out why Hazel is not in class or if she’s in school today.
Right now.

He can’t wait till first period ends. He thinks for a moment, staring at the board. Someone would think he’s so interested in the lesson whereas he’s lost in thoughts.

He remembers Jason. And remembers that Jason knows Brooke. Jason once told him that he shares some classes with Brooke. Chris hopes one of those classes is first period on Wednesday. He decides to text Jason and try his luck. There’s no harm in trying.

Chris: Hey dude.


Jason feels his phone vibrate in his pocket but he doesn’t make any move to pull it out. After a moment, as soon as the teacher has his back to him, Jason pulls his phone out subtly. He reads the text and frowns because Chris doesn’t text him during a lesson. He finds it strange but he knows whatever it is has to be important. So he replies.

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