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When Axel woke up to his alarm the next day, he had received a text message from an unknown number, one he recognized as Will's, overnight.

Unknown Number
new phone, who dis?

Typing a response, Axel rolled his eyes.

Will, I know it's you.

A few seconds later, his new phone buzzed with a notification. He glanced at his screen.

i think i promised Evan i'd play a game with him, didn't i ??

Did you? I can't seem to remember that.

heyyyyyy axelllllll

Yes Will????

can i come over please ? 🥺 to play with Evan.

He couldn't stop the grin arising from looking at the glowing phone of his screen as he texted a reply. Dare he say, Will was. . . cute?

Later. I have practice rn

lovely, see you later batboy <3

Axel spent a few seconds longer than he'd like to admit staring at the heart Will had texted before he replied back.

See you. <3

Sliding out of his bed, Axel made his way to get dressed for his baseball practice. He was out the door with a granola bar, his bag, and the keys in the next ten minutes and on his way to Jack's house to pick him up for practice.

The drive to his house was short and silent, void for the low hum of the radio in the back. The streets were fairly empty as well, an upside to waking up so early in the morning. And, when Axel pulled into Jack's driveway, he watched as Jack dragged himself towards the car with a blanket wrapped around himself, looking like he had just woken up.

"Did you even sleep last night?" Axel joked, to which Jack took one look at him and shrugged, throwing the blanket over his head as he leaned back in the seat.

Jack was not a morning person when it came to early morning baseball practices, obviously.

When they got there, Coach ran them extra hard to make up for the two weeks of practice time basically lost. He wasn't happy about it in the least, though hopefully there would be no more pranks between the baseball and basketball team anymore to make up for it.

"If tomorrow's practice is like this," Nathan said, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the palm of his hand, "I might have to quit baseball."

"Why'd he make us sprint anyways? The only time we have to run is when we run the bases," Jack complained.

Despite the nauseated feeling in his stomach from the time he'd spent running, Axel felt good. He'd missed playing baseball.

It felt like a missing part of him had been returned.

"And after you fell," Jack said, bursting out laughing at Nathan. "Oh my God, that was fucking hilarious. Highlight of my entire day."

"It's ten in the morning," Nathan grumbled. "Your day just started."

A second later, Benji spoke. "You two are idiots."

Jack threw his arm around Benji. "An idiot who is your best friend," he pointed out.

When people at their school looked at their friend group, most thought it was weird. Three seniors and a freshman.

Axel knew Benji also had a few closer friends who were freshman too, thankfully, because after this year was over the three of them would part off to college and Benji would be left here all alone for the next three years.

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