Chapter 30

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"Class 5 security breach." Comes the automated voice overhead. It can only be heard now as everyone quiets down waiting for Fury to start dealing out directions.

"Can someone shut that thing off?" He shouts, annoyed. An intern murmurs a "Yes sir," and scurries off to fix it. After a moment the alarms shut off.

"Alright people, as you've probably already heard, there is a class 5 security breach. We recently recovered a weapon from a mission headed by Agents Romanoff and Barton." People around Nat and I turn towards us, looking for any other details.

"Not even 12 hours after retrieval, it's disappeared." Several gasps are heard. Everyone knows that if Nat and Clint were involved, it was a high-security and/or high-risk mission, and the target just disappeared.

"Every one of you is to report to a mess hall. Once you're cleared for duty, grab your weapon and start searching. Team leaders, collect a master key and search your team's rooms. No one gets off this boat until we find it!" He orders, and everyone scurries off to duty without another word. Orders, we can do. Orders are simple.

Before I have time to consider where to go, Nat's grabbing my wrist and sprinting towards the closest mess hall, pulling us to the front. Coulson is security for this one, as he is most likely the highest ranked agent here. Nat is an agent as a courtesy, she basically does their heavy lifting.

"Name," He says, even though he knows who we are. I fall into line behind Nat.

"Natasha Romanoff," She responds without hesitation.

"What were you doing the past three hours?" He asks, no emotions readable on his face. Coulson is good at that, and it drives some people insane, specifically Nat.

"Training with Agent Barton." Nat says, somehow looking completely relaxed, even though we're being interrogated about a class 5 breach.

"Cleared." Coulson says. He turns to the crates of standard 9mil handguns. "Do you need a-" He's cut off by Nat producing two of her personal guns from god knows where. Coulson nods, trying to surpress a laugh. Nat steps off to the side, waiting for me.

"Name," Coulson asks me.

"Serendipity," I respond. After a moment, I add. "No last name." He nods, moving on.

"What were you doing the past three hours?" He asks, running through the list.

"Swimming and reading," I respond, feeling a lot less calm than nat looked. I grab a handful of hair and wring it out, Coulson and I watch as it drips.

"Cleared." He announces.

"Do you need a weapon?"

"Nope," I respond, pulling up the water that dripped onto the floor and swirling it around my hand. Coulson nods and I step off to the side with Nat.

"What do we do now?" I ask Nat, not sure where we fall on the list of things to do.

"I report to Fury for a master key and search as many rooms as we can find, you head back to your apartment and lock your doors." She says, already marching off to do things.

"What?" I call, running after her. "I want to help!" I tell her.

"You were shot a few hours ago." Nat points out. "Even if you aren't human, you still need at least a day to recover." She says. As she mentions my leg, i notice it's throbbing again.

"Now go rest!" She mock orders me, laughing. "I'll come to your room later once I'm off duty." Nat promises, gently shoving me towards the live-in agent's quarters.

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