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Pov: Narrator

Rodrick drove home upset about Y/N, 'Is she mad at me or something?' he thought. Y/N had been acting kind of cold toward him the past few days and he didn't know why. The fact that she didn't just talk to him about it like they usually do also alarmed him.

He walked to his house and let himself in. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. "Hi sweetie, how did it go with Y/N?" His mom asked cheerfully.

"Would have gone better without the whole magazine thing, why?" He was super confused. 'Why does she care?'

"Well you said 'we're a band we have no secrets'" She remarked

"Yeah well, you could have mentioned it after the band went home. I'm pretty sure Y/N hates me now so that's cool, " He started to wander to his room, but his mom stopped him.

"I don't think you could do anything to make her hate you, she's a really nice girl and I get the feeling maybe one day you two could-" She was going to continue but Rodrick cut her off

"Ew mom, gross, she's like my sister!" He shouted running into his room.

"Yeah sure, whatever," she muttered sarcastically.

Rodrick flopped onto his bed and passed out. Though he said he didn't like her, that's not really how he felt. He actually did kinda like Y/N, not a lot but just enough to make things a little awkward sometimes.

Over at Y/N's house

Y/N crept into her house and attempted to bolt up to her room hoping her dad wouldn't ask her about the "Book Club" she had been attending.

"So, how was the book club meeting?" Y/N's dad popped out of nowhere, scaring the shit out her.

"Good! We were discussing the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules"

(No but seriously)

"Good! We were reading Coraline and discussing the creative liberties some studios take when adapting a book to film"


"Sounds cool, What took so long getting home? Did something happen?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, we just all got really caught up in the book and before we knew it it was 9 o'clock so Mrs.Heffley let us stay for dinner, " Y/N has become very good at lying on the spot. It started to take a toll on her though. She didn't like lying but she had to if she wanted to be in the band. Or see Rodrick ever again.

"I don't like that you go over the Heffley's almost every day," He remarked.

"Oh come on, you know Mrs.Heffley's a nice person. You read her column!" Y/N said, smiling like she didn't know what he was talking about.

"It's not about Mrs.Heffley and you know that, " He groaned "That Rodrick is a really shady kid and I don't want you around him for too long. He's always driving around blasting his obscene rock music. I heard that he got banned from all Chuck E Cheeses for punching the rat "

"That was just a rumor dad and I barely even see Rodrick when I'm over there, he's mostly in his room sleeping, " Y/N lied. She pretty much lies about everything now. Where she is, what she's doing, and even what she's eating.

"I'm just worried he might try to pull something"

"Like what? I can take care of myself!" She raised her voice and stormed up to her room.

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