Chapter 56-Adulterers

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Weeks had gone by and Wei Xing realized that Xiu Xiang was still mad at him. He was absolutely clueless on how to appease her. Every time he'd gone to see her, she was never in her courtyard. In fact, every time he went in search of her, he'd always miss her by a second. It was either—

"The lady has gone with the Night Guards to investigate an activity at the borders of the Demon Realm."


"You just missed her. She went to the Human Realm with Hua Jian to investigate a demon killing."

There was even—

"The lady left with Hua Jian earlier today. They should...!" Be back soon...

Those last words were stuck in the servant's throat when he saw Wei Xing's blood thirsty eyes glared down at him.

"Alright! Get lost!" Wei Xing roared. With a swish of his sleeve, the guard was quickly thrown out of the room.

Was Xiu Xiang avoiding him?

He sighed heavily. He knew he shouldn't have been lenient with Bai Qing. He should have thrown Bai Qing back to the Human Realm even if she had no place to go. With her talent, she would be highly sought out by other sects even if her sect didn't want her back.

Xiu Xiang and he had just taken a step forward and had instantly gone ten steps back. He thought with Xiu Xiang now living in the Night Palace, the two of them would have more time together. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case at all!

Another heavy sigh escaped his lips. He could only bury his face into his palm in silence. However, the silence didn't last long. A servant suddenly came knocking.

"My lord, please help! My lady, she...!" the young female servant dropped to her knees, her head pounding on the ground over and over. As soon as he heard the young female servant's plead for help, he instantly took off, fearing for the worst.

"Xiu Xiang...!" he thought fearfully. Did something happen to her when she returned from the Huma Realm?!

Somewhere outside of the Night Palace, Xiu Xiang and the Night Guards had just returned from the Human Realm. Weeks ago, Xiu Xiang had slowly started to take up her original lord duties again after hearing that Wei Xing hardly put any effort into it, leaving most of it to Hua Jian. She had received a report from of a strange occurrence near the border of the Demon Realm and Human Realm. It was strange because the aura left behind was clearly that of an extremely high leveled demon only the aura was sensed only on the Human Realm side and not on the Demon Realm. It was almost like, a demon was trying to break through the barrier between the two realms. This extremely strange as all demons knew all the secret portal gate locations to enter the Demon Realm. So, there was no need to expend energy to destroy a barrier in order to get through.

Then there was the issue with the death of several demons in a nearby town where the demonic aura had been left. The deaths were extremely bizarre. The energy within the dead demons had been sucked dry.

Xiu Xiang and Hua Jian then traveled to other nearby towns to see if there were any similar occurrences. They found a few more towns were hidden demons had been sucked dry of their energy. After investigating those towns, they found no more similar deaths. With no other clues, the two finally decided to head back.

"Something tells me that the demonic aura left behind at the border and the deaths of the demons are connected..." Xiu Xiang muttered to herself. Nothing like this had ever happened in the novel so she was completely clueless as to what was causing this.

"Shall I send out a notice for the elders to gather to announce the deaths of those demons?" Hua Jian asked.

"No. There's no reason to cause panic. If I remember correctly, in the treasure room, there are objects that can be used to hide one's demonic aura. Give them to the Night Guards and have each of them stationed in the towns that had been attacked. The moment something happens, have them report back immediately," Xiu Xiang said.

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