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Eleanor's p.o.v


"God I'm so nervous, and it's not even my movie!" Chris chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as I put in my earrings.

"Give it a couple months and it will be, not to mention you do have a cameo in this."

"Ugh, don't remind me. It feels weird not having to go into the studio everyday anymore." I pulled away from him to grab my shoes and walk towards the door. "Are we leaving the ring out on display? Is it time everybody knows?"

"That, my love, is up to you. I'm down for whatever." I gave him a cheeky smile and slipped the ring onto my finger with a wink. He returned my smile, and we walked out the door to reach the limo.

This premier was a big deal for me, not only would it be the first time anyone sees me on screen, I was about to let the world know Chris and I are engaged. Scarlett constantly asks if we're pregnant yet, and she was very disappointed when RDJ announced he and his Mrs. we're pregnant since that meant she was wrong. Hemmy's twins were the cutest things ever, but since the cast of AOU saw how Chris and I were with children everybody has been telling us we need to have a baby. The sad part was, I agreed, but I didn't think now was a good time.

We pulled up in front of where the premier was being held, the crowd turning towards our limo to see who would come out. To say it made me nervous was the understatement of the year, I was terrified. The drive opened the door for us and Chris stepped out to deafening cheers, turning around and holding his hand out to help me. Much to my surprise, the cheers got even louder when I stepped out of the car and Chris put his hand on my back.

"You okay?" Chris whispered in my ear, the smile never leaving his face.

"Not really." His hand went from my back to around my waist as he rubbed soothing circles on my hip. I knew he got just as anxious as me in big crowds, but he still put me first like the gentleman he is.

Paparazzi was going crazy over us, constantly calling out to us, trying to get an interview from us. I left the picking and choosing to Chris since he'd done this before, letting him lead me wherever he felt we should go. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much, and when they started passing out drinks I was quick to jump at the opportunity.

"Should you really be drinking that Elle? You could have someone who doesn't appreciate that." I turned to Scarlett with an exasperated look to which she giggled. "You know I'm just messing with you, how are you doing with all this?"

"I'm freaking the hell out, and haven't had anxiety this bad in a while." I shrugged like it was the most simple thing, but her face dropped into a worried one.

"Oh, sweetheart, is there anything I can do?" She was just so selfless it killed me sometimes.

"How about you worry about your little person, and I'll make Chris take care of me." He turned at the sound of his name and shot me a wink.

After a while Chris finally decided to start answering questions. The reporters went nuts when we started walking towards them, and for the first time tonight I felt him tense. I ran my fingers up and down his spine just like I do at home when he can't sleep. He relaxed into my touch and sent me a grateful look. The reporter he chose was making heart eyes at him which made me raise an eyebrow at her.

"Wow, thank you so much for choosing me, I'm one of your biggest fans!" Her smile dropped a little when she saw me, but she covered it quickly. "First off, I wanted to ask you how you are feeling about this movie?"

"I'm feeling great, I think this is one of the best movies yet. It was a joy to film." I wasn't being very present since she couldn't care less about me, so I had to hold in my laugh when I saw Seb making faces at me.

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