Chapter Seventeen: Appreciation

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Ash's POV

         I watched in awe as the 'common citizens', Evelyn's preferred term for these people, welcomed her with open arms as we disembarked the coach. The crowd only grew as word spread of our arrival. Meanwhile, for the first time ever, I drifted into the background.

            I watched as an elderly woman nudged Evelyn and whispered into her ear while looking in my direction. Ev laughed before nodding and continuing the conversation, much to my annoyance. I quickly pulled her to the side.

            "What?" She asked.

            "You two seemed to have shared a rather interesting conversation about me."

            She rolled her eyes, "She hasn't seen you since you were a boy, and she merely said you've grown up nicely."

            "Ah." I nodded.

            True, it has been a while since these people have last seen me. Twelve years to be precise. My parents visited often, it was their duty, but I always threw a tantrum to avoid the smells and grime. Now, as much as it displeases me, the unavoidable duty has been passed down to me. I took a perfumed handkerchief and brought it to my nose, hoping to distract my senses. I had no idea how Evelyn was able to stand in such close proximity to the laborers. We arrived with protective escorts, but I still sensed risk.

            "Please, make space for the King and Queen." The head escort announced as he pushed the crowd aside, much to my relief.

            We stayed at Evelyn's parents' estate during our tour. In fact, they were holding a banquet on their property to celebrate our visit. How they managed to prepare so quickly, I hadn't the slightest clue.

          But these doubts were washed away when we were led to the backyard by the help.  

            The expansive outdoor kitchen paralleled the extent of the royal kitchen with its sheer size. The pots, pans, and massive fire pits were far too large to house indoors. The scale was large enough to feed a portion of the kingdom, perfect for tonight.

            "Why Ash, my boy! Forgive me for forgoing the titles, but I believe you won't mind considering how informal my relationship with your father was. Nice of you to drop by, you're quickly growing into your kingship. Gavin would have been so proud." Evelyn's father, Duke Fiennes, greeted me.

            I bowed, "It's my pleasure, your grace."

            I could  sense that Evelyn's expression seemed to ridicule my bluff, charming as it may have been. Her father was unfazed as he went over the menu for dinner and seating arrangements.

            "We're going to have lines of tables going down like so, adjacent to the garden, and we'll seat people in waves if needed." He droned.

            I nodded, slowly losing interest. I unconsciously found my sights set on Evelyn several times throughout the drab conversation. She looked so beautiful in her simple dress, her hair entangled in a loose braid with no adornments. She looked like an ordinary girl today, stripped of her jewels and rouge from last night, but I still found her impossibly attractive. I averted my gaze as she and her mother approached us.

            "Dear, why not have Ashton and Evelyn serve the guests this evening? I can't think of any interaction more intimate than that between rulers and subjects!" Her mother stated.

            What? Me? Serving food? Serving? As in what the servants do?

            Mr. Fiennes looked stunned, unsure of how to react as he beckoned me for consent.

            Once he finally found his words, he pulled his wife aside with panicked whispers, all of which I could hear, "Well... I-I mean, it's a nice idea, but he's the King now! I can understand bestowing such a responsibility upon Evelyn, but Ashton is of pure royal blood! How could you suggest such a thing as serving to him?"

            Duchess Fiennes put her foot down, "But he is still human, no? He has the same blood as everyone else in this species! For god's sake Peter, the subjects are the ones toiling to keep this kingdom running, the regents can't otherwise do anything by themselves. Don't you think this is the least they could do to pay their respects?"

            Well, now I knew who Evelyn took after. Not wanting this squabble to escalate into something larger, I interjected.

            "If you would, your grace, I'm willing to serve the food."

            "But Ashton—" Evelyn's father started to protest, only to be nudged in the gut by Duchess Fiennes.

            "That's splendid! Why, I can picture it now, you and Evelyn mingling with the very kind that it would have been a sin to even approach just a few decades ago -" Duchess Fiennes went off on her tangent, turning and leaving to handle some other matter.

            Duke Fiennes flashed me an apologetic smile before following his wife.

            I heard laughter ringing from next to me, and I turned to face Evelyn.

            "Hilarious." I grumbled.

            She shook her head, "Very much so. If only Adele could see this! She would never believe it lest she saw the scene with her own eyes."

            I looked her in the eyes, causing her laughter to quickly subside, "I'm making an effort."

            She nodded, "I do realize that. I appreciate it."

            I appreciate it.

            She appreciates it?


            I caught a glimmer in her eyes, that glimmer I was never fortunate enough to receive as a child. The glimmer that turned me into a green-eyed monster on multiple occasions, causing actions that I was never proud of. 

For once, I felt satisfied.

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