iii. mud tears

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crying soft mud tears

sand streaking my cheeks

shallow water pooling

around my ankles

as i dig my toes

deep into the damp sand

and let the navy ocean

deep indigoes and cerulean

wash over me

crying soft mud tears

wiping silt from my eyes

wondering what's wrong with me

clinging to shattered dreams

memories i thought were forgiven

like seafoam around driftwood

grasping rotting planks

and slowly fizzling away

crying soft mud tears

waves roaring in my mind

cold ocean spray

stinging my salty cheeks

drowning under these

ocean memories of you and me

sitting on shores alone

stormy autumn surges

dragging mussels into the abyss

crying soft mud tears

heart flitting like sand gnats

a stranger sits next to me

eyes filled with understanding

sitting silently as i

let my raging emotions

submerge the illusion of peace

i built in lands away from seas

crying soft mud tears

on a stranger's shoulder

my body bathed in salt

overcast skies crackling

not so lonely anymore

but still missing you

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