3: Confrontations and Confusion

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Dear god, I think I've lost my mind.

All I tried to do was use the bathroom in peace but then...

I don't know. Alec standing at the mirror, water floating, me floating, Alec holding me against the wall without actually touching me, Alec's gaze flicking between my eyes and lips.

That last part was the most unbelievable.

I walked back to the stage where Viv was sitting.

"What's wrong?" she'd asked as soon as I sat down beside her, legs crossed beneath me.

I didn't know where to start. "You know Alec Clyborne?"

She looked over to where he was sitting in the fourth row of the audience. "The football guy?"

I confirmed that he was indeed "the football guy" and in a jumble of words, attempted to explain what had happened.

She didn't react for a moment.

"I'm serious," I added. "Or at least I think I'm serious? I know what happened, I know what I saw, but that isn't possible, right?"

"No, that isn't possible." She could tell I wasn't lying but that didn't mean she believed me.

I didn't say anything for the rest of rehearsal.


When I got home I went straight to my room. What the hell was I even thinking? Of course I was imagining things. Maybe I tripped and fell in the bathroom so my brain thought, Hey, let's take the man Jake likes so much and possibly ruin his view of him forever!

My mind was at war with itself. Part of me, the logical part, was telling me that magic didn't exist. That I cannot float four inches above the ground as Alec chokes me with his forearm.

The other half, though? They were just repeating the same memory of Alec, the one and only Alec, looking at my mouth. It'd be unimportant if it was just a "What am I dealing with here?" sort of look, but no. That was a, "Wow, it'd be nice to kiss him." sort of look.

No, Jake. This didn't actually happen. I need to stop with this creepy fantasy of telekinesis and choking.

My mom called me down to dinner but I said I wasn't hungry, deciding to just take a shower and go to bed because it was already late due to rehearsal.

I'm an only child which is pretty cool because I get my own bedroom and stuff. It's basically decorated with old posters from middle school that I never tore down and little pride things scattered around that you only notice if you're specifically looking for them.

I took my shirt off as one does before taking a shower but I noticed something that made me freeze. Two identical bruises on my ribs where the invisible force had held me against the bathroom wall. The injuries were yellowish with purple patches that made me sick to the stomach. I'm the type of person who faints at the sight of any blood so I hope you can understand my concern.

I don't remember the force being that hard? The fact that Alec was standing less than a foot away was probably distracting me. Either way, these bruises mean that I wasn't imagining things.

Oh dear god, I have most definitely lost my mind.


The next morning was chaotic in the least. Viv and I ride the school bus since neither of us have licenses and the first thing I said to her was, "I have proof."

"What?" she asked. She was wearing shorts that were against dress code and an oversized T-shirt that made it look like she wasn't wearing pants.I had on my usual which meant I was sweating profusely but hoodies make me look more muscular than I actually am so I shall suffer in silence.

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