42: Rouges

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The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Wolves"
B Y : Sam Tinnesz


We all expected this, but when the day actually comes, reality sets in. Despite all our efforts in stopping it... the fight is upon us. It's here, and we will all fight. Fight to protect our home, our family, our mates. Anyone against us will regret it. The wolves are coming out to play and we're thirsty for blood.

It's time to finish this.

Rylan comes up next to Easton, Daniel, Merek, and I with two warriors on his side James also stands by our sides. He is a strong wolf, a fair warrior, and a good mate to Reagan. "It's time" Rylan states firmly. I send him a curt nod. Our feud can't get in the way tonight. Differences need to be put aside.

I shift and run, following the smell that will lead us to the fight. Everyone is following close behind me, and Rylan surges ahead. The large field is now in sight, but we all stop just before we break the tree line. There was nobody here yet.

'Forward.' Rylan orders through the link. Looking behind us, the rest of the three hundred warriors follow the command as well. Anticipation was slowly killing my wolf. He wanted out. He lets out a low snarl as he looks over the field.
Stay sharp, they are here somewhere.' Rylan says. I look to both of my sides and I can't help the giddy feeling that surfaces inside of me. There are so many of us. Four packs have come together to defend themselves. To prove that we are the dominant force on earth.

The wolves are here to stay. We were here to dominante. We stand our ground as we stand in a proud linf along the outskirts of the field. That's when the smell hits me and my wolf growls.

'Smell that?' I question in the mind link.

'Rogues.' Daniel responds. We are going to fight wolf on wolf.

'Conserve as much energy as possible, we still have the bats to fight.' Rylan snarls. No one responds as our wolves lick their lips in anticipation for a fight.

Out of nowhere rogues charge out of the sides of the field and we all surge forward.
Game on.

Right away I am fighting a rogue. He's smaller than me but fast. I bite at his abdomen drawing blood quickly and my wolf roars in his face before he quickly has its neck in his jaws. I look to my left and see Easton easily making a kill and running off for his next.

My wolf smiles in sick satisfaction as the previous green grass starts to get coated in crimson. A rogue comes up from behind us jumping on our back and biting fiercely at our sides. My wolf lets out a furious roar that practically shakes the field and throws the Rogue to the ground. The snap of bones rings in our ears and I slowly turn back towards him. Our head hangs low as we bare our teeth to its beedy steel eyes. It's the last thing it sees before we rip it's head clean off.
We tear through rogue after rogue like a bullet with no destination. We are on fire. Our inner beast has finally gotten the chance to come out and he is here to stay.

No one messes with what is ours.

Rogues continue to put out of the forest but we are on a high. Keep them coming. Our side was easily and effortlessly destroying the rogues as if they were nothing but ants. Our rage and passion drive us to a victory that is going to taste so sweet.

'Keep moving forward! The faster we push through the rogues the quicker we start killing bats!' Rylan's voice echoes through my mind and my wolf only growls in response.

We let out a roar to the forest and ran as fast as our legs carried us to the other side of the field. Rogues come at us from every angle and we either easily doge them or kill them in less than seconds. We make it to the other side and come to a fast hault.

All the rogues are almost all dead or retreating. Their lifeless forms litter the grass as our wolves dig into their flesh.

My fur is coated with blood but we care not. It is the uniform of a warrior, and in this case, a victor. Two rogues come out from the forest putting in their last stitch effort to attack us. My wolf circles them baring his sharp talons then lunging for their throats. As we jump on one of them the other rips us off with his teething, getting a good chunk out of our side.

My beast roars. He was tired of this. He wasn't going to be torn apart by some filthy scum.
He has alpha blood pumping through his veins and he was going to goddamn show it. We spin around quickly and jump on the rogue that took a chunk out of our side. We do the same to him so he knows how it feels then dig our claws across the entirety of his side. He howls in pain and we go in for the kill. Our teeth sink into his fat neck and he is dead within seconds.

The other rogue had started to retreat into the forest.

My wolf wouldn't have it.

He wanted to taste the rogues blood and he wasn't about to let this coward of a rogue run away from a fight. That only fueled his rage as he ran into the forest where the rogue was retreating. We dodge trees and large sticks with ese until he was in our sights.

This was it.

My wolf lept in the air and onlookers would have thought we could fly. We were free and full of adrenaline as we landed on the rogues back making him fall to the ground with a sick crack.
My wolf tore into the rogues back relentlessly and hungrilly. Our beast was running wild and I was doing absolutely nothing to hold him back. My wolf rored in the wolf's face.

The trees shook, birds fled, the ground quivered. The forest feared us and this rogue should have known better than to mess with us. It roars back and my wolf goes mad. He was not going to take it.

My wolf ripped into the rogues side once again and the rogue spazzed pathetically on the forest floor. With one last snarl my wolf went in for the anticipated kill and watched with glee as the life drained from the rogues eyes. Huffing and puffing my wolf howled into the air.

His pack members howled along with him. The forest bowed to us in respect as the battle with the rogues came to a close. We won in a landslide not losing one of our warriors.

But this wasn't over. It was only the beginning. We had to remember that.

A cracking of sticks caught my wolf's attention and his head snapped up in the direction that the sound came from. My wolf gets low to the ground and attempts to stalk out the sound. Who was daring to mess with us? And that's when we saw it.

A lone figure steps forward.


My blood boils just seeing her.

"I'm so glad you all came," She says with a sick smile. A smile that can make a grown man scared.

The bats have arrived.


Next chapter is coming at ya soon I swear! Probaly tomorrow or later today. I know it's short but I really needed to sepeate it from the next chapter because otherwise it would just be too much to handle.

What did you think of the fight? I find that battle scene are so hard for me to write and I'm never quite happy with them. ANnnywhore....

Thanks lovelies!

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