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"You're crazy."

"Yes, why not? Everyone should be crazy once in their lives."

—Darkness Follows by L.A. Weatherly (The Broken Trilogy)

a/n: (The Broken Trilogy by L.A Weatherly is my favourite book. can't understand why it isn't more known. i definitely recommend it.)

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Today things went out of control a little.

It was inevitable, I guess. One way or another Syd would have found out about Cameron. Even though there wasn't much to 'find out'. But Syd, being Sydney Foster, couldn't go without dramatizing a situation, however insignificant it was.

We were walking through the school hallway side by side, drowsily. Brent and Lopez were seen walking towards us. Squinting my eyes, I could make out a very familiar figure walking next to them.

Cameron? So he was friends with the popular duo now? How did he manage to reach the top of our school's social ladder in such a short time?

"Oh my gosh, do you see that tall guy next to Brent?" Syd nudged my arm."I think he's the hot newbie I've heard so much about lately. Apparently he's Scarlett's next target or something." She told me under her breath.

"Hot newbie?" I strained, her description of Cameron sounding ludicrous in my brain.

"According to the rumours I've heard, yeah. But not to me. He's kinda not my type."

The three have now gotten close enough to be able to see us and my pulse raised when I realised that the situation was about to get out of hand.

"Hi Audrey," coming out of Cameron's lips was the fuel that set off this fire. Out of all the times that he'd called me by a nickname this exact time was the one he had to call me by my name? Seriously?!

"Hey girls," Brent added, surprisingly, before the three disappeared, heading off to a different direction.

For the next few steps Syd was silent. Then:

"Okay, so. . .what was that?" She sounded as if on the verge of a heart attack.

"I guess we're not that invisible after all," I answered, hoping to shrug it off. 

"No, I meant, the new guy I'd just been talking about. He said hello to you."

I didn't rush to pronounce my next phrase. "And?"

"And, you were smiling."

"Mhm. So?" I must've really been getting on her nerves now.

"So! There has to be a reason for that!" She exclaimed, out of patience.

"Not necessarily. Can't I just smile without reason?"

"Oh my gosh Audrey! You're so enfuriating, honestly! There's obviously something going on that you're not telling me," she stopped next to a windowless door and cast a look at her watch. "I have a photography club meeting to attend. But you girlie, better be at my house today at five. We have a lot to discuss."

So three hours after this immensely threatening sentence I found myself staring down at the doormat I knew oh so well that read: 


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