29 | Unbelievable

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Millions of questions ran through my brain but not even a single word came out of my mouth. I was too shocked to understand how was all of this even possible.

"How?" At last, I finally managed to say. The voice that came out of my mouth was so pathetically weak that even I couldn't believe it was mine.

He didn't say anything but let out a laugh. A sinister laugh that I couldn't imagine belonged to him.

He was not the same person I knew. There was no warmth in his eyes and his usual kind smile was replaced by an arrogant smirk.

"Long time no see, Lila." Even his voice sounded so different from the usual calm and loving.

"How?" I asked again.

Instead of answering, he waved his hand in dismissal and Mia left the room, leaving me alone with him. After she left, he dragged a chair from the corner and sat facing me.

"You are alive," I said it more to myself. 

Patrick was alive. Patrick William was fucking alive. And not only alive, he was the leader of the Russian Mafia who so desperately wanted to kill me as per Mia's claims.

Did any of this made sense? I honestly didn't know anymore.

For the first time in my life, I had nothing to say.

If my hands were untied at that moment, I would have definitely lifted them up to touch his face to confirm whether the person sitting in front of me was indeed him and not some figment of imagination.

"You're really. . .?" I asked.

"Really alive? Of course." He said laughing as if this was all some stupid joke for me.

"How?" That was the only word that came out of my mouth.

"That news was fake. It was just a trap to lure you into coming back. But no one expected John to scare you off to the extent that you will never return."

"You knew about what John did to me?"

"Of course I knew. I was the one who had planned it all, after all." He laughed sickeningly. "Had it not been me persuading her, why do you think your mother would have left you alone all day?"

I couldn't help but agree with my previous thoughts. He indeed was not the same person anymore.

Or maybe he was never the person I knew. I felt like throwing up at the thought of all that love and care being just a facade to hide his true self.


For the first time in years, I felt like crying. The strength I had spent years in gathering was slowly crashing down revealing my true weak self in front of the person who should never see it.

"I lived with you for so many years, if you hated me so much, why did you never harm me then? Why did you not kill me the moment you saw me for the first time? Why?"

This time, I couldn't help the tears from falling down. It all was just too overbearing.

"Tell me Lila, if you were in my place, what would you have chosen? A bullet through your head and ending everything once and for all or years of torture? I prefer the latter."

"What about my mother?"

"Ah!" He sighed. "The poor lady couldn't make it out alive."

"It was all planned," I whispered.

"Yes, everything from the start was planned. Me meeting your mother, asking her to move in with me and the rest." He paused for a brief moment. "What was not planned was you running away that night."

He smirked. "But don't worry we will make it up for that mistake now."


He leaned back in his chair.

"Back then, we were just waiting for the right time, for you to grow up before. . ."

"Before what?"

"Before we sold you." He smirked. "Just imagine, the only daughter of the mighty Luca Alfonso being sold off from one place to another like some whore."

He paused before continuing again.

"But before it could happen, you ran away and not only that, you hid yourself so well, I must say it was really impressive. It took years to find you but now that I've got you back, I'll be quick to complete that unfinished task."

He stood up and turned around as if to leave when I remembered something.

"I-If you're the leader then who is that half brother Mia talked about?"

Even though, I had already guessed the answer but I just wanted him to confirm my doubts.

"Who do you think it is?" He asked without looking at me.


If John was my half brother then his hatred towards me was explainable.

"Smart," He replied. "Now, I'll take my leave. Mia will accompany you for the rest of the time before we leave tomorrow."

"Where are we going?"

He ignored my question and left. As soon as he went, Mia came back.

"Where are we going?" I repeated my previous question but just like Patrick, even she ignored it. Rather, she just quietly sat down in a corner.

"How about Daniel?"

That was the question, I dreaded to ask the most.

As soon as those words left my mouth, Mia's head shot up and she smirked.

"How do you think we know that you were standing alone in the park behind your school's dorms?"

I gasped. I didn't know why I was shocked, or probably even hurt, when I'd already expected it.

Since his whole family was involved in this then it was only reasonable for him to be a part of it too.

"So he's also a part of it," I whispered to myself but she heard it.

"Not exactly," She said without looking at me. "Just like you, he knows nothing about Mafia or anything. Hell, he doesn't even know that his dad is alive. You can say that he is as oblivious as you were."

"Then why did he tell you about my location?"

"The day that accident happened, do you know where your mother and Patrick were going? They were going to look for you, to find where you've gone.

"These past four years, John did his best to make Daniel believe that his dad died because of you and make sure he hates you deeply. It is quite unreasonable but you know how John's persuasion skills can be."

"Persuasion?" I scoffed. "More like brainwashing."

"Whatever. Daniel's job was to make you come out of your house alone and inform John or me about it. Just that, nothing else."

There was silence for a while.

"Why did you tell me everything? All of this. "

She smirked again.

"Because before you die a miserable death, shouldn't you at least know what you did to deserve such a fate."

"Death?" But didn't Patrick say that he was going to sell me instead of giving me an easy death.

"Just wait and watch."

What exactly is going to happen?


Seriously though, how did I even end up writing this 😂💀

So, who all guessed it right?


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