Chapter 21

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Disappear - Original Cast Of Dear Evan Hansen


I doubt these rogues are used to being expected. That's likely why they hadn't attacked yet. 

Their normal strategy wouldn't work.

But... he was actually here.

It finally hit me. It seems even if you think you were prepared for something and you haven't. In my case, it was that my dad was still alive and that I would have to fight him.

I know that was all I could think of for weeks, but I've never imagined it hadn't really hit me yet. 

Honestly, you may be surprised that my death hadn't crashed down on me, but I had always felt like I had escaped my death. I didn't deserve to make it. 

But I see now. I survived because my father shouldn't have. My purpose is to free the world of him. I didn't escape death, it was just postponed. 

A temporary existence. Stolen time. 

Makes for a good story I guess.

My nerves were going crazy in anticipation. Was I nervous or excited? It's hard to tell. Probably both.

There was a bench at a park on the grounds. I sat down and waited. 

Aaron would watch my back and warn me if they were coming.

I couldn't run into the rogues, and my father would come to me. 

Aiden and Jack were hurrying back with their wolves. At least I hoped so. 

I stopped hearing the screams of dying wolves when they got caught in our traps. They either started being more careful, or they were preparing for a head-on attack.

I secretly hoped for the latter. 

I picked up a leaf off the ground and started pulling it apart. I tried my hardest to keep the stem in tack, but still get all the other parts of the leaf off.

It didn't work. The stem ripped. I ruined something that was perfectly fine. What a way to start this whole thing.

The clearing was filled with wolves. They were warriors. 

I could feel Aiden's eyes on me. I know he wanted to speak to me. 

I couldn't talk to him though. He would want to talk about "us."

The problem is, what's the point of wasting breath talking about something that doesn't exist?

Honestly, I'm not even sure I feel anything for Nate either. I really just needed an excuse to get Aiden to stop pining over me. 

Does that make me a bad person? Yes.

But you already knew that. 

My wolf perked up. It wasn't a happy perked though.

My father stepped out of the woods. He was escorted by a few wolves I had seen in his meetings.

I could see the glowing eyes of shifted wolves sitting in the trees.

Aiden stepped forward, walking to meet him with escorts of his own. 

I stopped him with my arm. "No. Not you. It has to be me. He's far too unpredictable for you to go."

"Emma, you can't serious." He knew I was though. 

I ignored his pitiful words. "Aaron, Jack, walk with me." I waved them over.

Jack whispered a few words to the wolf closest to him.

The man nodded. I saw Jack give a grim smile.

I walked with the boys in tow. 

I stopped walking 20 feet away from my father.

"Hello, Pumpkin." He didn't look surprised at all. But any good rogue can hide their emotions. I could tell I was the last person he expected he expected to see.

"Hi, Daddy."

"I thought you were at the bottom of a pile of rotting bodies." He gave a smile. Bitch.

"Oh, I was. But you made a mistake, Daddy. I hate to break your heart, but I'm still alive." I gave an innocent-looking smile back.

He looked at Aaron, "Hello little Beta." Aaron flinched back. My father was venomous. "I didn't expect you. I thought I killed you. How disappointing."

"You seem to be good at messing things up, don't you, Daddy?"

Jack leaned forward, "What is the point of this pissing match?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I poked his nose.

"I suppose I'll have to make sure you both stay dead next time."

I walked forward. Aaron yelled at me to stop. I was approaching the distance that can be easily crossed by a shifting wolf. I could die in a split second. 

But my dad could see that I was now an Alpha. He would be more aware. 

He would be less abrupt. I was stronger and faster than him. I may not be the fighter he is, but I could last a while. I could do some damage. And now I had wolves who would die for me. 

I was an actual threat. He would think before he lept. 

Of that I was sure. 

My father's counselors backed up as I walked toward him, but he didn't flinch.

I was two feet away from him when I stopped walking. I twirled my hair on my finger. "So, Daddy, how about a rematch?"

"Bring out your forces. And you can see mine."

The psychotic version of "You show me yours and I'll show you mine."

"You don't have anymore."

"Are you willing to bet your life on that? Because I'm betting mine." I crossed my arms, "Unless, you don't think you can win anymore."

"Now you're just talking out of your ass."

"No, father, the stakes are higher. I'm stronger now, but if you win, then nothing can stop you. Is that worth it enough to you?"

He growled at me, "Stop being stupid, darling. Are these people really worth it?"

"I never said they were worth it, but killing you will be." I took a step forward. "Now, Daddy, I'm still waiting. Don't forget, the weaker wolf always gives the challenge."

That made him angry, "You say that I'm weaker, but you won't be able to speak when I tear out your throat."

I feigned surprise, "Oh! But you failed at that too, remember, Daddy?" I took another step, "Now, THE CHALLENGE."

"I, Alpha Edward St. Germain, challenge you, my daughter, to combat." He threw his arms away from his body and began to shift, "ATTACK!" He screamed at his wolves.

I smirked, "I accept."

As I shifted I yelled to Aaron, "You heard the man. Attack!"


Am I evil?

Yes, yes I am.

This book is finally almost finished. It's been almost a whole year since I first started writing this book. It's insane to think about.

I got horrible writer's block a few months in and sort of abandoned it, but I'm back now. And I'm so excited.



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