Arduous Distractions

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"I could stay awake just to hear your slow breathing.

Watch you smile while you are sleeping.

While you're far away dreaming.

I could spend my life in this sweet surrender.

I could stay lost in this moment forever."

With a smirk, I tugged the knee length jacket down so that the sleeves stopped at my elbows, and the plunging neckline of the top I wore was no longer concealed. My arms brushed against the fabric and I held back a laugh.

I never said I'd play fair.

If Livius was so certain he'd win, then he could deal with my little antics.

Besides, he needed this distraction, and frankly so did I. So let's see where it leads, hm?

I ignored the cold that bit at my exposed legs as I adjusted the shorts I wore, and blinked at the top that barely concealed my toned stomach.

I should've gone with the other one.

Shrugging the thought away, I pushed open the doors to my mates office, the amused look on my face never falling away.

He was going to make his 'one' stupid call, and of course I had insisted on sitting in while he did, but since I was going to be there, I decided it wouldn't hurt to look a little more... enticing?

What girl didn't want to dress up for her mate? My intentions were completely innocent. And diverting his attention from his phone was just a small add-on.

So, I had returned to our bedroom and slipped on a pair of denim shorts along with a black bralette decorated with a thin material adorned with tiny stars.

So, I had returned to our bedroom and slipped on a pair of denim shorts along with a black bralette decorated with a thin material adorned with tiny stars

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A very good distraction.

"He'll mark you," my wolf sang, but I paid Selene no mind.

I huffed. "Go run off with Luca like you've been doing these past weeks."

I could see her rolling her eyes within my mind. "It's not my fault you and his human half have so much drama. I got bored, so I left."

Ignoring her response, I fully stepped into Livius' study and shut the door, my eyes swinging over to his form as he stared out of the window, his body facing away from me.

I said nothing before settling on the couch at the center of his massive office.

"Hm, it's time already," he murmured, not even bothering to say hello, or take a full glance at me as he turned, reached for his phone, and began dialing whichever number he'd decided on while I was gone.

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