Chapter 16: Way to go Leo

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Anya's POV:
"So you mean he didn't punish you or anything?" Leo asked me for the zillionth time

I got to school and told him about everything that happened after he dropped me of and he seemed pretty shocked that I didn't get punished again, even I am shocked. Luckily, dad had already gone back to work even before I woke up so I don't have to be worried about punishments till further notice.

"Yes, he didn't do anything, I'm even surprised myself" I replied
And then he looked relieved then stopped and stared like he was thinking of something before saying
"Do you know anyone by the name, Hermione" he asked
"Nah, why would I care?" I said taking out my last book from my locker
"Never mind" he said
"Where is Luna and Roxy?" He asked me
"Luna already went for classes with Tyler and Roxy's skipping today"  I said and he made an 'O' with his mouth.
"Hey, how about we make this thing obvious and I walk you to class?" He said
"Stop being such a play boy and admit you want to walk me over to class" I said smiling
"O my, did you just smile, all you usually do is smirk but today I made you smile" he answered chuckling
"O, shut up, we both know you're just tryna change the topic" I said still smiling
"OK, princess can I please walk you over to your classroom" he said in a fake british voice, bowing down putting one hand behind his back and stretching the other towards me
"Sure princey" I say taking his hands but instead of taking my hands in his and walking me to class like a normal person, he spun me around and pulled me towards him but backwards so that my hair was in his face and my back was on his chest infact my whole backside was right in front of him.
"Leo everyone is watching us" I say to him
"Then let them, that's what you want right?" He said then bite on my ear
"Leo...stop...I'm....not" I managed to say in between stammers and next thing that happened the pushed me over to my locker and i was breathing heavily closing my eyes not knowing what he wanted to do next I hope he remembers that we were in school.  I was waiting for him to do something stupid but instead I heard laughter and I opened my eyes to find him laughing at me
"What's so funny?" I asked him
"I'm glad to see I have an effect on you Anya" he said still laughing
"Fuck you" I said before walking away angrily.


It's been a few days since the effect thing and news has spread like wildfire that I and Leo were dating. We were always the topic of discussion just as I wanted. Being close to Leo has really started telling on me, honestly I enjoy his company, his teasing in fact, I just enjoy him in general. But I don't tell him that though because, MY EGO.

Today, we are going to the movies as a group date (a date involving lots of couples, yep, we made it up) which involved Tyler and Luna, Michael and Renne, Roxy and her new boyfriend Jonathan and of course, I and Leo. We'll be going later in the evening to watch some movies at the cinema.

I didn't really want to go but somehow Luna managed to sweet talk me into it and as usual, I fell for it.

It was almost time for Leo to come pick me up, I agreed that he picks me five minutes before the time we were supposed to arrive so we'll be a few minutes late. What?, I hate being early.

I quickly changed into the dress I already prepared for tonight.

(No need to describe, it's the dress above☝🏻)

I was ready and good to go with ten more minutes to spare so I went to the kitchen to get some bananas and as usual mum was there with Amelia probably cooking up some other weirdly delicious stuff.
"Hey mum, what you making?" I asked
"Taco beans" she said making me choke on my banana and Amelia, passes me a bottle of water
"What did you just say?" I asked after my cough had subsided
"Taco beans, you know like spaghetti tacos but with beans" she replied
"Spaghetti tacos aren't real mum, you only saw that from Icarly" I  said to her
"Who said they aren't real, I'm making them too" she said giving me one of her famous cheery smiles and I looked over at Amelia who gave me the 'they are surprisingly good' look.
"I'm leaving before I catch crazy" I said turning to leave
"Have fun and don't do drugs" mum said as she continued slicing some tomatoes for the beans
"OK mum" I said before I left

"Ahhh!" Luna screamed throwing her popcorn for the thousandth time
We already got to the cinema and decided to watch a horror movie even when Luna protested against it. She wanted to watch a fan fiction or fairytale and as usual Tyler agreed to go with her but today she considered him and decided to watch the horror movie with us even if she knew thus would totally make her scared of her own shadow.
"Babe, I told you I was OK with watching any genre of your choice but you still chose horror" Tyler whispered giving her a questioning look
"" she replied stammering with fear trailed all over her voice
"You know I can't believe that" Tyler said
"Fine, look I want to start doing things your way, I'm tired of you doing things for me, so let me do this for you" she said staring at his eyes and next thing he crashed his lips on hers only for me to interrupt
"Keep it PG guys, you might wanna transfer to romance section you know." I said while Luna looks at me rolling her eyes with her cheeks seriously red.
Gosh! How does she do it.
"Anyways I think I'll need more popcorn" Luna said shyly
"I'll get it, for the zillionth time" I snapped at her then made way to leave earning a few death glares from people whom I was interrupting their view as I passed, I just kept on muttering a 'sorry'.

I finally got to the popcorn stand and then I bought some popcorn for Luna and was about to go back in when.....
"What are you doing here Leo?, do you have to follow me everywhere I go?" I asked frustrated

But you know you like it Anya
Wait who said that?

"Just probably worried you'd miss me too much and plus that movie is boring, isn't it supposed to be horror?" He said back
"It is horror, that thing scared the shit outta me" I said back and instead of arguing like usual he just stayed there staring at me in an awkward silence. As a normal teenage girl, I outta be blushing by now but nope, nothing.
"Leo we should probably........." I trailed off my words when he started kissing me so intensively, in a cinema. Every was looking at us but I really didn't care we were there for a long time but had to pull back because unfortunately, we needed air and classic me, I just had to spoil the mood
"Why did you kiss me?, you do realize no one is watching us, right?, why pretend?" I said faking anger

Yeah right Anya, as if you didn't like it
OK, who the fuck keeps saying that

"I wasn't pretending Anya, I kissed you because I wanted to" he said back and at that moment there were butterflies all over my tummy I felt fluttered and .......maybe I'm blushing...... O wait, I'm not
"Earth to Anya" Leo said snapping me out of my thoughts
"Well, I returned the kiss because I wanted to but that doesn't mean I love you or something" I said back stupidly

Great Anya, way to state the obvious
That stupid voice is right why did I...... Wait a minute it's not the obvious, it's not obvious that I like him, no u don't like him that's why it's not obvious, no it's.........

"Anya, what's going on in that tiny head of yours" Leo said snapping me out of my thoughts again
"Sorry, we should probably go and give this to Luna now" said referring to the popcorn and walking away stupidly. And in case you're wondering, then yes, I was walking not strutting or cat-walking, I was regular-walking.

Way to go Leo.

Author's note:
Yep, I did a double update,
I really want to start updating more often so guys I'm here to change.
What did you think of the chapter, tell me in the comment box below and also tell me who's POV you'll like to see next.
Don't forget to vote.
Stay home and stay safe


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