Layers of love pt:7

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<Connors side>

I kissed Kendall that day cause i really liked her she was beautiful and a really nice person. I never knew what I'd turn her into...I didn't know if I liked it or hated it, it felt good and I loved the way she'd  wrap around me and kiss me for hours but I also really liked her normal self. I don't know how to tell her because if I do maybe she won't talk to me anymore or worse leave me. The next day at school I was at my locker and I was getting ready for class when I saw her but she wasn't all freakish but instead looked "normal"

C: aye how are u baby
K: I'm fine, let's walk to class together?
C: for sure love

We walked to class together hand in hand and then went our own ways cause Kendall and I  didn't have classes together except one.

30 minutes into class I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom cause I was bored I instead went into the field and sat on the bleachers and that's when I noticed there was a girl there

C: hey? Why are you here aren't you supposed to be in class
?: aren't you also supposed to be in class
C: i..guess, what's your name ?
?:I'm ari
C:I'm Connor
A: nice to meet you, well cya around Connor
C: cya

Right as she was leaving she tripped over something I rushed to help her up.
Are you ok I asked helping her up

A: I'm fine
She got up and she gave me a look and before you know it we were kissing...It
turned into a whole make out session.
She left me with a wink and walked back inside the school. That's when it startled me I cheated on  Kendall. I freaked out and and tried to pretend it didn't happen but I couldn't.

-a few weeks later-

I was walking home after school alone cause Kendall took the bus when I saw Ari I tried to hide my face but she caught me

A: Hey Connor
C: hey..
A: where do u live
C: just upper east around the block
A: me too, let's walk together?
C: uh yea for sure

so we walked and.....

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