Chapter 32: She's Dead.

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Felix raised his eyebrows. "I certainly did not, but you seemed to have gone crazy after missing me so much. "

"So crazy that even your hair started going crazy." Said Rowan.

"Why would my h—" Lark suddenly snapped his head to Willow. "What did you do to my hair?"

Willow raised her hand in surrender. "I didn't do anything."

"Willow did your hair?" Asked Rowan. "Now that I'm looking at it again, it looks rather good on you, it has enhanced your beauty, Beauty."

Lark touched his head, gently, as if he was touching a newborn's butt. He glared at Willow. "What did you do to my hair mortal?"

Willow handed him her phone with the camera on the selfie mode. "Listen to Rowan, just ignore the sarcasm."

Lark stared at his reflection. "I do look good."

"Yep, don't let them put you down, they don't even know what fashion is."

"I might not know what fashion is but I certainly know that, that thing is not fashion." Felix snickered.

"Don't listen to them." Said Willow. "Those buns are so in. You should always remember that 'Haters gonna hate and bakers gonna bake' these are the golden words of Taylor Swift."

"Isn't it 'Haters gonna hate and players gonna play'?" Asked Rowan, who had been recently tutored by Willow.

"Those are the golden words of Namjoon."

"But it was also—"

"Where is my PB and J side witch?"

"You mean sandwich?" Asked Willow.

"Are you talking about this?" Asked Felix with a mouthful of sandwich and holding a small piece of it.

"You stole my side witch!"

"I didn't know it was yours." Said Felix, putting the rest in his mouth.

"How dare you eat this Prince's side witch!"

"It's a sandwich." Said Willow.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I will make you eat a faerie fruit." Said Lark.

"Really? Now how do you plan to acquire a faerie fruit? From what I hear, you've been exiled from the lands of faerie."

Before Lark could answer, Willow's phone, which was in Lark's hand went off with a familiar ringtone. Lark cringed and was about to throw her phone away as if it was a time bomb with a second left for it to go boom.

Rowan snatched it away before he could.

"What are you doing?" Yelled Lark.

"It's a phone call, nothing harmful."

"I don't care, throw it away!"

Rowan frowned at Lark and handed the phone over to Willow. Willow looked down to see that it was Melody calling.

"Hello?" Willow answered the call, and turned around, getting that non existent privacy.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at my home. I was kind of kidnapped." Willow said sheepishly.

"You kidnapped her?" Willow heard Rowan ask Lark.

"Are you okay?" Asked Melody.

"I did not kidnap her."

"I'm fine." Willow said quickly.

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