18 | safety

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Lily struggled to keep up as she basically stumbled down the stairs.

"Why would she have silver in that gun?!" she exclaimed, following after Holden who carried the unconscious Queen over his shoulders. The girl's stomach turned as she saw how even the back of her shirt was all torn up from the bullets that had went all the way through, smoke rising through them as if there was a fire blazing inside of her body.

"Because she was going to use it on vampires," Holden breathlessly spoke as he went down the stairs as fast as he could, darting onto the second floor and down the corridor until he came to a door, kicking it open and bringing the Queen inside.

Lily followed him into the room, her body shaking from the anxiety gripping her. Looking around, she noticed it was some kind of medical room, with surgical tables and large metal cabinets and sinks. She jumped at the sound as Holden flung the vampire onto one of the metal tables rather harshly, his actions stressed from the urgency in him.

Stepping closer, she watched as he quickly strapped her limp body down on the table with the metal cuffs attached to it, making her bound at her hands and feet. "Why are you doing that?" she asked timidly, folding her hands together nervously.

"Because if she wakes up she is going to be thrashing at the pain," he quickly mumbled as he flashed across the room to a cabinet, swinging it open and violently rummaging through everything in it.

"If she wakes up..." Lily repeated in a whisper as she stared at the unconscious Rose, making sure to keep her distance as Holden quickly returned to the table. She felt like she might pass out from the fear gripping her. The sight of Rose's smoking bullet wounds, her skin which was as white as paper, and the thought of her dying on that table was enough for the girl's entire body to tremble.

Holden quickly ripped the remains of Rose's shirt off her, exposing her bloody stomach and chest and leaving her in her black bra and black pants. Lily felt nauseous at all the blood oozing from her. "C-Can vampires die from blood loss?" she nervously asked, her voice quivering.

"Not usually, but silver stops all the healing processes." Setting a tray of utensils down on the table above Rose's head, he grabbed a pair of long, metal forceps, readying himself above Rose's stomach. "I need to get all the bullets out of her or else they will burn her to death." Immediately following his words, he stuck the forceps into one of her wounds, causing Lily to cover her mouth in the goriness of it. He immediately found the bullet and pulled it out of her flesh, plopping the bloody piece of silver into the tray.

"H-How many do you think are in there?" She tried to push down the tears welling in her eyes. She had never seen Rose in such a vulnerable state, and she was so horribly afraid that she would never see that beautiful smile again. She was afraid she would lose the last person she ever thought she would care for.

"Considering that she's still alive, not many," he said, his eyes focused as he dug into another one of her wounds, pulling yet another piece of silver out. "It seems most of them went straight through. But a few is enough to kill her."

Lily watched in silence, pacing back and forth and never tearing her eyes away from the vampire who lay strapped to the table, her lips slightly parted as smoke even emanated from them. All she could think about was all their moments together flashing through her mind, pulsating like a sadistic movie replaying them over and over and reminding her that she might never experience them again. She knew that she had feelings for Rose, but that moment really showed her how much she cared from her—the thought of ever being without her scared her to her core.

"There," Holden said after a few minutes, plopping the last silver bullet into the tray. "That should be all." He quickly leaned down and listened to her body for any sizzles, placing his hands over her stomach and feeling for any heat. Finding none, he excitedly stood up and watched her, but the wounds were not healing. His eyes widening, he watched as blood kept pooling from her wounds. "S-She's dying," he whispered, his chest heaving as he tried to think of something to do.

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