Chapter Ten- Where is Nathan

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Chapter Ten

*Where is Nathan?

Meaghan didn't go far from me. I didn't mind. After the near fatality, I wasn't about to wander around by myself either. We were both on edge and as much as everyone else was. I wanted to relax. I wanted to be at ease. I couldn't. I kept my bow out and loaded. I had no idea when the next heard of zombies would come by or when a rogue would stumble out of nowhere to try and eat our faces. Meaghan's guns were out and ready. Liza had her AK-15 up as she peered about. A few of the guys rummaged through cars as we walked by. I didn't understand why. We had picked everything clean years ago. Nothing but death and destruction remained in the ruins. Meaghan wouldn't stop fussing with her guns. She always liked them better than melee weapons. She said they were more accurate and deadly, but I disagreed. How much deadlier can you get than a steel tip going through the center of your forehead? It didn't matter though, either way they were both effective at taking down an undead.

"It's so creepy around here," Meaghan whispered before biting her lip.

"I know."

"Do you think the hospital is still standing?" Liz asked.

"I don't see why not. They didn't demolish it," I said, listening to every sound that bounced around us. It would take more than a few years and neglect for it to crumble."

Taz popped up from behind a car and nearly scared us to death. "Since this place covers three blocks and is twelve stories high, do you know where he'd go?"

I recovered myself and shot him a nasty look. "I have a few ideas on where he may be."

"Why didn't he tell you he was coming out here?" she asked, as the once magnificent hospital came into view.

"He knew I would object to it. He knew that this was a guaranteed suicide mission. It was idiotic for him to leave the city limits without more people." I shook my head at the thought of the once timid doctor trekking through undead infested wilderness.

Meaghan raised her guns ready to shoot a zombie venturing out of an office building that was on Fifth Avenue. "Don't. The noise will draw them out. I'll get it."

I aimed and let the string go. A quick ping and the arrow soared through the air connecting with the intended target. The thud of an object falling against a car and hitting the ground let me know it was down for good. I crept around the car and saw the body lying in a pool of black blood, the arrow struck right above the left temple. I yanked it out and nocked it again waiting for the next undead.

I stood at the bottom of the long hill that led up to the main entrance of the hospital. It was so weird not seeing students, doctors, nurses, and other various people walking up and down.

The nursing students' dorms were painfully quiet.

"For this being zombie central, there aren't many zombies," Meaghan whispered, as we walked up the horrendously steep hill.

"I know. It's odd." I had a bad feeling. The infestation started here. The undead were, in a manner of speaking, born in this hospital. How could it be virtually deserted?

"Where are they?" Liz pondered.

"Maybe they moved on? I guess it's ridiculous to think that zombies would just stick around here." Taz told her.

"Do you think she is still here?" Meaghan asked.

"I'm not sure. The last time I saw Becca she was strapped down to some bed trying to eat my face." I closed my eyes as flashes of my sister crossed my mind. Her straggly hair, cloudy eyes, and fierce disposition were the last memories I had of the once beautiful girl.

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