The Real Beast

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The Beast dragged me towards his library.
It was so big. I had never seen such a big library.
I loved reading books.
"Wow." I said.
He smiled at me.
"There are over a million books here. You can read them all." He said.
"Have you read all of them?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I don't like reading books." He simply said.
"Then how come do you have a library?"
"Its a palace. It even has a golf course but I don't like golf."
He answered.

So if this is a palace then he must be the king.

"Are you a king?" I asked him.

"Yes. I am the king of the dark creatures of night." He said.

In that moment I bursted out laughing. I sat down on a chair and continued laughing.

He looked at me like I had grown a third eye.

" really think I trust you on this?" I said laughing.

Suddenly his expression turned into anger and he pulled me from the chair holding my shoulders.
He pulled me closer as his grip on my shoulders tightened.
He came really close to me. Our noses barely touched. I blushed at our close proximity but suddenly his eyes turned completely black and I was afraid of him.

"You think I am joking? I think you still did not believe in the fact that I am the beast. I am the king of the evils. I rule the dark world. I am very dangerous. You cannot even imagine what punishment I can give you. It will be worst than death. I promise you that you will beg me for death."

He said all in once and then left my shoulder causing me to fall on the ground.

He stormed out of the library shutting the door with a thud.

I didn't know I was shaking and crying. I didn't know what exactly scared me. His words or his overall look.

I sat there for hours crying until Michael came in.

"O my god! Your highness what happened?" He came running towards me.

"He..He is so b-bad. I h-hate him." I said while crying.

"Oh dear, please don't say that. Master is a nice man. Atleast with you. Let me tell you one thing, he has suffered a lot in his life. And his past sufferings are the reason for his cold behaviour. When he saw you in the forest he could have killed you like the other trespassers but he didn't. Instead of that he brought you here. And he didn't hurt you. Please your highness, give him a chance. Give him a chance to open up. I know you will understand him. I know you will bring light to his dark life."
Michael said.

"W-what a-are you s-saying?" I asked wiping my tears.

"I am saying that don't ask him questions about his past and him being a beast. Give him some time. He will tell you himself when the right time comes. Until then, please spend time with him. Make him feel emotions. Make him feel his heart."

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because in a 1000 years it is the first time he has spared someone's life. And it is the first time he has smiled at someone. I know you are afraid but he will never hurt you, trust me." Michael said.

I stood up and looked at my watch.
It was 6:30. I had to reach home before 7.

"I have to go home. I should leave now." I said.

"Oh! I am so sorry I forgot the real reason for my visit. Master asked me to escort you till the forest boundary. And in the night at 11 pm you can come till the forest boundary. From there I or master will take you here." He smiled at me saying this.

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