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"We need to talk."

Taehyung looks up startled from where he working on his homework. "We do?"

"We do." Jungkook confirms before nudging his head in the direction of the door. "Let's go talk."

The omega gets up and gather his things meanwhile Jungkook realises he feels oddly calm. His talk with Namjoon was confusing but he does feel like it cleared things up.

Before he understood why Taehyung was angry at alpha's for mistreating him, raping him. Now he understands why Taehyung is mad at society. It's a collective decision every single alpha and omega makes to follow the role given to them. Though, an omega doesn't have much choice.

He as alpha should be making a change, he should not feel entitled to have power over someone just because they're labelled omega. Omega's aren't allowed to speak up, when they do they're instantly shamed and or punished for it. He as an alpha should prevent that, he should use his power to protect and not scare omegas.

The only reason he became an alpha is because he and Taehyung are mates. The elder was unfortunate enough to be able to have a uterus so now he's an omega, which made him an alpha.

He does wonder how exactly it works with girls but Namjoon said he didn't want to explain.

But none of that is important right now. All that's important is that he apologises for taking off as abruptly as he did and explains to Taehyung that he now finally understands. His alpha trait leadership doesn't mean barking orders, it means guiding his omega in life. Guiding Taehyung in his personal choices. If the elder were to come up to him and say he wanted to move to europe he needs to help him find a way to do it. Not that he want that— he'd definitely try and talk the omega out of it but if he couldn't it's his duty to help the omega.

They make their way to Taehyung's car and drive off to the elder's home. They sit in silence, not an uncomfortable one. Both of them deep in thought.

Once they're seated around the kitchen island Jungkook takes a deep breath.

"Sorry I ran yesterday."

The omega smiles. "No it's okay I—"

"It's not okay, I should've just talked to you about this which I didn't and I'm sorry for that." The younger says. "I've had some time to think and I think I finally understand who you and I are to each other."

Taehyung looks surprised. "If you're referring to what I said yesterday? Don't over think it, I know I must've really made you uncomfortable."

Jungkook shakes his head. "No, it's good that you said it. After some thinking I realised that we've always had our dynamic settled. You're the one in charge, you've always been."

Taehyung stares at him with a blank face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm not okay with being an omega or ever being treated like one, my alpha pride won't ever allow me to do that." He takes a deep breath to continue but before he can Taehyung speaks up.

"That's what you came to talk about?! You need to start getting this alpha omega thing out of your head! I'm the more dominant one, who cares?!"

"Wait Tae—"

"You alpha's and your dumb alpha pride, don't like to be treated like an omega then don't treat an omega like that either! How do you think we like it?!" The elder says angrily. "You wanna be a dumb alpha then fine be a dumb alpha but not with me."

"Tae wait why are you mad I—"

"Because you keep bringing up alpha this, omega that, don't you get that I want to be your equal?" The shorter yells in frustration.

"Yes I get—"

"No you don't Jungkook and that sucks. You might as well go."

"Taehyung wait—"

"No Jungkook, go."

The book's almost done

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