Chapter 9: Dad's request

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"No one in this world can love a girl more than her father." -unknown

Arabella POV

I am on my way back to my family's house. It has been two weeks since I did not visit them due to my heavy workload. I'm sure they will be mad at me if I can't make it again for this week. I chuckled as I imagine my mom's sulking image in my head. We were really close and I always share my secret with them except for all the nightmares caused by Matt. I'm sure they will freak out if I tell them about the bad things that he had done. I knew my dad well. He will find someone to teach him a lesson and I wouldn't want the situation to get worst.

After two hours of ride, I finally arrived at my family's mansion. As usual, the security opens the main gate for me as he recognized my car. I nodded at him and smiled, thanking him. He returned my smile and slightly bows as a sign of respect.

"Mom!" I screamed once I stopped my car in the parking near the entrance where I saw my mom standing there with her sweet smile curved on her face.

"Baby girl," she called and opened her arms for a hug. I made a short run towards her and hugged her firmly.

"I miss you, mom. Sorry, I couldn't make it last week," I said still in her embrace. She patted my back softly.

"I forgive you for that but if you didn't come today I will be sulking at you." She let go of me and holding my hand walking towards the house. I chuckled at her comment. As I expected.

"Where is dad?" I asked turning my eyes around looking for his figure.

"He is in the room with his conference call. He will come soon."

I sighed at her words, "As usual. Mom, why don't you advise dad to stop working so hard?" I questioned her because I knew dad never stop working even during the weekend. Such a workaholic!

Like father like daughter, my inner voice spoke. 'Oh, shut up,' I snorted inaudibly.

"You know honey. It is just the way he lives and you know he will never listen to me. Only for other things but not about work. As he said, that is his hobby." She shook her head remembering what dad used to say about his work. Hobby, that was what he claimed, and he can't even stay away from it even during the weekend.

"He is getting old mom. He can't keep living like this. He needs to rest at least during the weekend," I complained.

"Don't worry, honey. He knows his limit," mom convinced me.

I heard a clearing throat sound.

"I heard someone called me old," he pretended to get angry. I hollered with a light chuckle and move forwards to hug him.

"Finally dad, here you are," I let go of him.

"What did you call me just now?" He asked faking his anger. I laughed at his action and I saw mom shook her head nevertheless she laughed too with our conversation.

"Come, let's have our breakfast together," mom said gesturing us to move to the dining table.

I saw pancakes, salad, eggs, bread, and some fruits were served on the table. I knew mom prepared breakfast herself. Even we have maids in the house but mom loves to prepare food by herself and the maid will help her with the small works in the kitchen.

"Morning, Ara," Aunt Vivian greeted me. She worked for my family for a long time while her husband works as our family driver. They lived in the staff house at the back of the mansion. I never treated her as a maid since cared for me like her own daughter. I always spent my time with her whenever my parent was away from home.

I stepped closer and hugged her. "Good morning, Aunt Vivian," I threw her a smile.

"How are you?" I asked, letting go of my hand.

"I'm fine as always sweetheart," she said smiling at me.

"How about you? Busy with work?"

"Yeah, seem to be like that."

"Please have your breakfast," she brought me to my seat. I take a seat opposite of mom where dad sat at the head of the table. I placed eggs and bread on my plate while Aunt Vivian poured me a cup of green tea.

"Thank you," I said to her politely.

"How is your work? Everything is good?" Dad asked while his hand busy with the food on the table.

"That is the reason I can't come back last week, dad. We have to settle with the editing before publishing it," I explained.

"So you still don't consider coming back to work at our company?"

"Dad.." I narrowed my eyes at dad which only caused him to chuckle. I saw mom smiled and softly hit his arm. She knew dad like to tease me.

"I'm just joking, honey." Dad looked at mom which caused her to shook her head.

"But you really need to find someone to replace your place. A son-in-law sounds great for me." I was shocked by his words, alerting by his seriousness this time.

"It is too early, dad. Besides, I don't have anyone yet for now," I said munching on my bread.

"What if I find someone for you?" His words made me shocked and I coughed because of that.

"Oh my God, honey. Calm down." Mom rushed to my side patted my back lightly. I gripped the cup next to me and gulped the drink to feel better.

"I'm okay, mom. Don't worry," I said gesturing her to return to her seat. I look at dad waiting for his next words. He never touched anything about relationships nor talks about marriage before this.

"I'm serious this time, Ara. If you don't want to replace my place in the company then you need to find a replacement for me. Who else can I trust except my son-in-law." The look on his face convinced me that he was serious this time.

"You know I don't like to get involved in the business world and I'm not ready to get married by now," I said tried to protest.

"You will never be ready if you never give yourself a chance."

"But, dad I'm still young. I still want to be single at this moment."

"Ara, as you said I'm getting old and I need to rest. And you also know that I'm not going to rest if no one can help me at the company. I can't just simply hire a person to do my job and put the company at risk." I almost cry with the fact because I knew that was the reason dad worked so hard. The company was inherited from my grandfather and with dad's hard work the business expanded rapidly. He needs someone to help him but I really don't want to get involved with the business and my interest in business always zero.

"Take it slow, honey. You make her uncomfortable." Mom comforted dad, aware of the tense topic. I heard dad sighed. I didn't mean to let him down.

"Ok, I will consider what you want," I surrendered knowing that there was no point to argue. Maybe this is the only way I can let dad have time to rest and step down from his work.

Dad grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss on the forehead. A smile on mom's face appeared.

"I know that you care for me," Dad said with a smile on his face; a big satisfied smile.


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