Chapter 16 - First Day Back

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It was Monday. Beca had a week off school as she ended up with a week's exclusion after last week's events. She was dreading coming back to school knowing that Posen was teaching her. She felt different, she was happy about being at a new school, but now she just could not be bothered.

Chloe went to knock on Beca's door before heading to school.

"You ready Beca?"

"Guess so, did I miss anything?"

"Well, you were talk of the school all last week"

"You told me that plenty of times Chlo, I mean like lessons did I miss anything?"

"Nah, not much"

"You ok Becs?"

"Hmm, meh, dreading today, Mum's counting on me to not get expelled but if Posen starts, I can't keep it in"

"I'd rather you didn't get expelled, then I wouldn't see you"

"Chlo, this is my last shot if I get expelled. I'm done for"

"Well can you try?"

"I'll try but if my anger goes, I can't help it, I just explode. I'm just like my Dad, Chlo, he got kicked out of schools because he couldn't control his anger. I thought I could you know? I've been here for just over four months and I was doing well but yet last week I changed"

"Look – Becs, you'll be ok. Besides, I'm not going that easily" Chloe smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey, want to get a coffee? My treat?"

"That sounds nice, let's go"

"Babe, use my card, I need to go to the toilet"

"Wait, what do you want?"

"Just get me the same as you" Chloe smiled before heading to the toilet.

"Hey, can I have two medium coffees to take away please?"

"Well well well Mitchell, can't get rid of me that easily"

"Oh, for god sake, just back off will you"

"No, I'm going to make sure everyone sees your anger, and that you lose everyone, even your precious girlfriend"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Wouldn't I?"

"Eurgh, I'm sick of you already, Posen. Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone"

"Why? Because I'm going to expose the REAL Beca Mitchell"

"Yeah, and who's that?"

"You're just like your Dad you know, angry, blames everyone but himself"

Beca could feel tears trying to leave her eyes, she wasn't going to let Aubrey win, no way. She'd already won when Beca had to move here.

"We're not in school Aubrey, I suggest you choose your next words carefully. Don't you fucking dare bring up my Dad in all this. You think you know everything, but you don't"

"Is that a threat Mitchell? Besides, we both know I knew your Dad, very well. We also both know that you destroyed your Dad, if it wasn't for me, he'd still be broken, I helped him"

"Oh, that's not a threat, that's a promise. We'd also both know, if it wasn't for you, he'd still be here, but he's not. You fucking killed my Dad, I know you did. Once I prove it, I look forward to watching you rot in prison"

Aubrey walked away as she saw Chloe come out.

"Hey, what was that all about?"

"Hey, don't worry"

Bechloe - The Start ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon