Chapter 9

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We went down a flight of steps and then entered a big room with a giant bean bag, a giant tv and there was a bar. Bailey was still upset and  I didn't know why and it was bugging me. I don't think that I have ever seen her genuinely upset like the before. So I stopped walking. Bailey noticed and stopped with me.

I crossed my arms "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing why do you think something's wrong?" she asked innocently and I narrowed my eyes.

"Because you look upset, don't lie to me. Why are you upset?" 

"I didn't like that Andrew was going to punch you." she said sighing.

"Look but he didn't. You stopped him from punching me which I thank you for. It's not a big deal. He looks like a guy with anger issues. No offense. So let it go." I say glancing at the guys arguing over what video game to play. 

"Ok."she said glancing at her brothers as well.

"Are you girls done having your romantic talk yet? We're about to start the game." Ricky called over to us.

"Shut it Ricky." she said and we walked over to them.

"Do you want to play with Mario Kart Alex?" Adrian asked. I shook my head.


"Sure." she said and sat down next on the couch with everyone while I went and sat cross legged on the giant bean bag.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" 

 I look away from the tv and see Colin standing looking sheepish. I shrug and sits down next to me.  

"You don't like video games?" Colin asked and shrugged again.

We watched Bailey and Peter argue over which kart was better.

"It was nice, what you did for Peter. You risked getting punched for him." Colin said not looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask glancing over at him.

"Nobody really stops Andrew and Peter from fighting except Harry but he's not here a lot of the time. And nobody really calls Andrew out on it so it was nice that you did." 


"Andrew's not really good at expressing his emotions. When Peter came to us Andrew started acting weird." 

He noticed my confused face then said "Peter was, uh, adopted."

I nodded. Why did he pause? I think they're hiding something. 

"So if Bailey didn't drag you here then what would you be doing?" he asked trying to keep the conversation going. 

"Watching YouTube probably." I said.

"Cool. This would probably happening but I would probably be drawing."

"Your an artist?"


We sat in silence for a little bit watching them play Mario Kart until Colin randomly asked if he could draw me. I considered for a second, there wouldn't be any harm in letting him.


"Thank you." he said and got up and jogged up the stairs to get his sketch book I assume.

A minute later he was back and sat back down next to me. I've seen how big this house is and I was positive that there was no way that he could've gotten his sketch book that quickly.

"How did you get it so fast?" I ask.

He glanced away from me and said "I left it on the kitchen counter." 

I could tell that he was lying but I just shrugged and watched them play Mario Kart.

I assume that they all have that weird teleporting ability thing but why? They were also hiding something, I could see it. My thoughts turned to Bailey. She's only been bothering me for a few days but I find it strange that she goes to the bathroom after she eats. I mean she could be on her period but I had a feeling that it was something else. I can't deny that her and her brothers were growing on me. I didn't like it but it felt like they have been annoying me for years. I found them strange, they all looked perfect and it seemed like they were too pretty to be real. Andrew and  I are similar. I could tell when I looked at his face. He wears a mask like me and isn't good at showing emotions. 

"I'm bored of playing this. Let's do something else, all together." Ricky announced and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"You just don't want to play because Aiden was beating you." Bailey teased.

"Not true." Ricky said defensively.

"There's only so much Mario Kart you can play." 

"Sure ok." Bailey snorted. She got up and walked over to Colin and I.

"Hey Colin whatcha drawing?"

"Nothing." he said quickly and slammed his sketch book closed.

"Probably something bad." she joked with a sly grin.

"Bailey stop." Colin cried.

She turned to me, "Are you having fun? I told you you would love hanging out with us." 

I rolled my eyes "Who said I was having fun? I'm here against my will."

"Ouch." Ricky said coming over.

"Admit you love us." Peter said joining us. 

I glared at all of them, "I wish I never met you all."

"Aw you love us." 

"No no I don't."

"I have an idea how about we play hide and go seek." Ricky suggested.

"Why?" Colin asked.

"Do we have anything better to play?"


"See my point. Now everyone gather around." Ricky said sounding excited. This guy was just  like a child. I sighed. Andrew and Aiden got up and came over to us.

"How about we play in the dark?" Peter suggested.

"Ooo, that's a good idea." Ricky said.

"Is it the whole house?" Aiden asked.

"Yup." Ricky said, "Aiden do you want to count first?"

"Fine." he said rolling his eyes and turning to face the wall.

"If you come across a light that's on turn it off." Ricky said and we headed up the stairs leaving Aiden behind counting.

I had no idea where I was going to hide. Chances were that I was going to get lost anyways so might as well make the most of it. I slipped away from everyone else and headed down a hallway. The sun was going down so there wasn't a lot of light so I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. 

I picked a random door and went inside. It looked like a spare room with some boxes. I pushed away a box and found a little door. I opened it and it was a little room. I slipped into the room and moved the box back in its place and I closed the door.

I've always loved small spaces, they made me feel safe. I pulled out my phone and started playing a game. I felt like it was going to be a long time until someone found me.

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