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My office was on the 36th floor of the Carlisle tower. 

It was glass on three sides and I could see almost the entire city from up there. I could see the kites the kids on the beach were flying in the sky and I could see the people who came out for a quick bite to the hotdog vendor on the corner at all hours of the day.

Today, I wasn't really enjoying the view. I was staring into nothing, with a glass of my favorite scotch. Tonight, we announced the engagement to our families and I couldn't be any less enthused by it.

"Dude, the sun is barely setting and you're already drinking without me?" Connor, one of my closest colleagues asked, walking into my office, "It's barely past five, man."

I turned around to look at him. He was pouring himself a glass from the drink trolley in my office.

"Shall we head out tonight?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.

I shook my head, downing the last sip in my glass. "Not today, Connor. I have dinner with the family."

"Aiden, that's like the second time this week," he said, propping himself on the edge of my desk, "Are you dying?"

I chuckled. "Something like that."

I couldn't get myself to tell anyone that I was marrying Caroline Baxter. If I told Connor, he would congratulate me, tell me how hot my wife-to-be was and tell me to look on the bright side, and if I had to listen to any of that right now, I'd throw up.

"Fine, but we should all hit the bar tomorrow then," he said, pointing at me, "You haven't been out in about two weeks. Do you even remember what all those girls look like?"

I laughed. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were the paparazzi trying to catch me in a compromising situation with a stranger to earn your living," I told him, putting on the jacket that I had discarded.

Connor got up. "Hey, man, you pay me enough," he said, putting his empty glass down on the trolley, "Georgia has been asking about you."

Georgia was beautiful and very bendy. For some reason, hearing her name didn't make me perk up like it usually did. "Has she?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Connor shook his head at me and began walking out. "Tomorrow, alright?"

"Tomorrow," I said, vaguely, not really having decided whether I wanted to go out or not.

I drove myself to my apartment to change and then called my driver to take me to my parents' house for dinner.

I kept patting the ring box that sat in my jacket pocket, knowing that if it went missing, Caroline would go ballistic and probably eat my head. Not eat, really, because she doesn't like to eat things without knowing the exact nutritional content in things. She told me it came with being a model, but I had met my fair share of models and none of them were like her.

I steeled myself before walking into the house. I took the long way to my father's study, knowing he'd be there, because I wanted to avoid everyone else for the time being. I knocked at the door once and walked in, without waiting to hear him acknowledge it.

My father sat at his desk, reading a book; he was never one who enjoyed a party. I descended into a chair in front of him, slouching to exaggerate my annoyance.

He lowered his book and looked at me from over his glasses. "Penny for your thoughts, Aiden," he said, flipping the page.

"We went to see the wedding planner today," I told him, bored.

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