Liar Liar

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Blue walked into the Outertale universe, absolutely pissed. Ink was driving him up the wall and he wasn't sure how long he could take it before he went completely insane.

Blue shoved his hands into his blue, black, and grey jacket's pocket. The jacket was a letterman, given to him by a person who was saved by him a while back. He really liked it, wore it whenever he could.

Blue kicked a rock into the gravity-less atmosphere, letting it fly away. He gritted his teeth, trying to stop all the curses, swears, shouts, and everything else from spilling out.

He was on the outskirts of the timeline, making sure no one would be around.

"Stupid Ink... always being an asshole. He never understands personal space or knows when to leave a person alone..."

Blue kicked another rock as he continued. He whipped his head around at the sound of a faint whistle, turning around but not seeing anyone.

"Wow~ I'm impressed. I didn't even think it was possible for you to feel a negative emotion so powerful.~" A deep, husky voice chuckled from behind Blue. A shiver going down his spine as he turned around again.

Blue grimaced as he saw who it was, he summoned his spear, gripping it tightly. He glared at Nightmare; his teal eye tearing though the soft palette of the galaxy behind him.

"What do you want?" Blue hissed, trying his best not to wham Nightmare in the face.

"So hostile. I just want to help you." Nightmare hummed, stepping closer.

"Help me?" Blue spat out as Nightmare drew closer; his graceful movements were almost hypnotic.

"I don't need your fucking help."

"Oh yeah?" Nightmare hummed, cocking an eyebrow up. "Then why are you so angry babe?" He mocked, using his pointer finger to lift Blue's chin up.

Blue immediately shoved Nightmare off, pointing his spear directly at Nightmare's chest.

"Don't call me that. And like I said before, I don't need help, I am not in danger, and I need you to get the fuck away!"

"Hmm, no I don't think I'll leave. Not until you tell me why you're so upset."

"Why in the hell do you care? What do you have to gain from even talking to me?!" 

Nightmare tapped his chin, thinking.

"You know babe, I really don't have a reason. I guess I just feel like helping you about."

"Don't fucking call me that." Blue hissed, pressing the tip of the spear into Nightmare's chest.

"Awe, come on Blue, talk to me. I mean, it must be pretty bad if you haven't talked to Dream about it yet."

Blue let out a very aggressive groan as he un-summoned his spear and shoved his hands into the pockets of the letterman.

"Ink is a fucking douchebag and I can't fucking stand him!"

Nightmare's eye widened with malicious intent.

"Why don't we sit down babe? I feel like there's at least a couple hours worth of story in that one sentence."

Blue let out another groan and sat down on a nearby rock, Nightmare joining him, crossing his legs.

"So...Tell me, why does Ink piss you off so much?"

Blue thought for a second, taking a sharp and angry inhale.

"He' inconsiderate asshole. He doesn't under what personal space is, what would upset or- or trigger a person and I- I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!"

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now