Chapter - 11 First aid

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He looked at her again but her attention had shifted from his face to somewhere else. He followed her line of sight and saw that his hand was bleeding. He was so angry that he hadn't even noticed that.

"L- let's go to the hospital. You are hurt." Eva stammered nervously. She had turned pale.

"There is no need-"

"But your hand is bleeding!"
"Ms. Evangeline, listen-"

"No! You listen to me Mr Liam Richardson, you are hurt and you need to treat your wound. If it's not treated in time then due to the infection and blood loss it can cause gangrene. If treated in  early stages it's curable but without treatment it lead to a fatal infection."

He looked at her face and couldn't help but chuckle. ''Don't you think you  exaggerated a bit?"

Heat rushed to her face. 'He looks more handsome when he smiles or chuckle. I wonder how he will look when he will laugh.' The thought made butterflies dance in her stomach.
"I- I am not exaggerating. It can happen if you are careless."

" I'll treat it when I reach my apartment."

She wasn't sure if she could actually believe him about this.
"You got hurt because of me so let me treat your wound. Stop somewhere near a pharmacy and I'll buy the essentials."

He thought for a moment and finally agreed.
And with that he started driving. 5 minutes later he stopped near a pharmacy. She quickly stepped out of the car and headed towards the pharmacy. He waited patiently for her to return. 'When was the last time he had listened to a woman, did what she said and waited for her like this... Never'. came the answer from within him making him frown.

Just then he heard the door of passenger seat open and saw Eva taking her seat. She placed the small brown paper bag on her lap and took out the items one by one -  antiseptic, bandage, cotton, ointment.

She turned to him and said,"Show me your hand."

Without any second thought he just placed his hand in hers. He could feel the softness of her palm and how small her hand looked holding his bigger one. She looked at his wound and then started cleaning it with an antiseptic liquid. He flinched a little due to the sting from the antiseptic.

"Oh! I'm sorry."  She apologized and started to blow softly on the wound while cleaning it.

He looked at her. It was a strange feeling. Why such a small action from her was making him quiver? Due to some bad past experiences he had sworn to never trust anyone from the opposite sex again. All they do is lie to you, use you for your money and keep lying to get what they want. In the end you are left alone with pain of betrayal and hurt.
Then had he started trusting  this girl? Why had he promoted her as an assistant? Can she really be trusted? He frowned and searched his brain for an answer.
'Maybe because she is hardworking and intelligent-'

"It's done." Eva's voice brought him out of his reverie. He looked at his hand which was now covered with bandage.

"Give me your address and I'll drop you."

She gave him her address and he started driving. His eyes focused on the road ahead but his head was filled with questions. Questions which were bugging his mind all the time.
'Why had he got so angry when he saw her with another man? Though he wasn't a virgin but since the past 5 - 6 years he refrained from getting intimate and focused just on business alone. He distanced himself from women and couldn't even bear a small touch of them. But why had he placed his hand so willingly into hers?

He pulled the brakes when they arrived at the destination and looked at the girl who was responsible for the chaos in his mind. The girl who had made his mind a mess was now sleeping soundly. He was about to wake her up but then stopped. He raised his hand and carressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Her cheek felt so soft, he smiled.

"Hmm.." Eva stirred in her sleep.

Liam quickly withdrew his hand and spoke gently. "Ms Evangeline, we have reached."

But she was still asleep. He tried to wake her up once again and this time by shaking her shoulder gently.
"Ms Evangeline."

"Hmm..What?" Eva opened her eyes slowly trying to focus on her surroundings.

"We have reached."

"Oh ok."

"You shouldn't sleep just like that while driving with a stranger." he said.

"Ok." she replied while yawning.

'That's all she has to say? 'Ok' ? What would have happened if she were with a stranger or with that friend of hers?'
He squashed those thoughts as he didn't want to be angry anymore.

He got out of the car and walked to her side of the car. He opened the door for her and extended his hand. She placed her hand in his and he walked her to the front of her apartment.

"I gave you a leave because I thought you needed some rest."

"Yes. I was tired."

"But I didn't expect that you will go and party the moment you stepped out of the office building."

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. Her eyes filled with sleep. She looked cute, Liam realised. The small frown and the little pout of her lips were telling him that she was angry but her eyes were so filled with sleep that they were failing to mirror that emotion. But  she still managed to form a proper sentence.
"It wasn't like I wanted to party. It was more like I was dragged into it. At the moment I feel like I haven't slept for ages."

Her reaction made his lips lift from a corner.

"Now I am tired and I am going to sleep." she started walking forward.

"Do you want me to walk you to your room?" he asked.

"No!" Her sleep filled eyes were suddenly wide awake as she looked at him with those big brown eyes. "I'll manage. Good night. Bye."
And with that she almost ran into the building.

'Did she just said 'No'? Is she really a woman? Women die to get my attention and she refused my kind gesture just like that!'
He pursed his lips. "I am not angry though. Of course, why would I be?"

He stood there and watched her leave till she disappeared into that building and then he drove away.

I hope you are liking the story so far and don't forget to vote and comment. 😉

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