A Café in Yongen

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~After School~

"We better lay low for a while. People are still going to be talkin' bout Kamoshida" Ryuji continued on

"I'm just happy I'm not getting expelled anymore" you said simply, leaning back and breathing a sigh of relief. You had all gathered up on the school roof after school, the events of the teacher assembly still vivid in your minds. The plan had gone off without a hitch, and Kamoshida had confessed to every one of his evil deeds to the whole school. Shiho Suzui was doing fine considering everything, and now you had a shiny new Olympic medal to sell off. In other words, things were doing pretty well for the 'Phantom Thieves'.

"Yeah...about that. Weird rumors are already starting to spread about you guys. Like you got together and threatened Kamoshida with something close to physical violence" Ann said matter of factly, clearly unhappy she had to give you such bad news.

"The hell?!" Ryuji argued back, with you feeling a similar way.

"So much for my high spirits"

"What did you expect? People aren't going to easily believe that phantom thieves exist. The calling card is just being treated like a prank from someone who knew what Kamoshida was doing." Ann replied back, shrugging her shoulders.

"Makes sense" Ryuji said dishearteningly

"Ann gets apologies from people spreading rumors about her, and we just get more piled on. So unfair" you continued on

"For real..."

"Hey! It's not like I asked them to forgive me! Let's just wait for things to settle down for the time being, then maybe people will stop spreading rumors"

"One can hope" you concluded, mentally crossing your fingers.Together you all spent the rest of your afternoon sorting out your plans for your celebrations at the end of the holidays coming up, splitting off from one another with you heading back to Leblanc for the rest of you evening.


"Ah you're back" Sojiro ushered out as you entered the cafe.

"Starting tomorrow you're gonna have a lot more time off huh? Just means more work and customers for me though"

"Isn't that a good thing? This place doesn't get much traffic" you asked as you set your bag down, Sojiro displeased by your observations.

"I don't need a punk like you giving me business advice, and speaking of; I gave you those cards to strum up customers, not to hit on girls"

"Uhh what are you talking about? I haven't even given anyone those cards yet"

"Then explain to me why a girl from Shujin popped up today with one of the cards. Though...to be fair she was very well mannered for her age...but that's not the point!"

"Well mannered?"you questioned, wondering what your guardian was going on about. As you did, you heard the familiar chuckle of Morgana emanating from your bag.

"Hehehe another successful mission!"

As soon as you heard those muffled words of Morgana, things quickly clicked in your head as to who got that card, and how. You honestly didn't know whether to curse Morgana, or thank him.

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