Part Two Day Nine

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Word Count: 2100

~Part Two, Day Nine

"You are quite the clumsy one, aren't you?" Chris groaned after Juliette had stepped on his foot for the sixth time. Juliette smiled sheepishly, a blush tinting her cheeks.

"Dancing isn't a pactice rogues specialize in," Juliette answered as Chris carried her around the dance floor. He was a very good dancer, and put Juliette to shame instantly.

"True," he murmuered, his emerald eyes peering down at her. He looked a lot more content here then he did at his work; much more relaxed.

The dance floor was filling up some people drunk from too much of the endless supply of wine that was being offered. Chris either hadn't been dinking, or he just had a very high tolerance to the drug, for he moved and spoke gracefully.

"Your name is Christian?"

Chris swallowed, his eyes burning intensly into Juliette's.

"Correct, although I would prefer if you would continue to call me Chris," he said, his lips set in a grim line. Hmm, a seemingly touchy subject for the Alpha.

"Why did you ask me to dance with me?" Juliette changed tact, hoping to save his mood. He frowned as Juliette tightened her grip on his shoulder; the lavish material of his suit felt good under her fingertips.

"Because I wanted too," he answered. Juliette let out a deep breath when he smiled.

"Don't you have a date?"


"Why don't you dance with her?"

"Because I want to dance with you."

"I have a date as well, and he's the type that crushes anyone who touches me."

"That is why I hold myself back tonight, for the sake of the birthday boy."

This suprised Juliette; no way would she ever suspect him to say that at this point. Chris leaned down, his lips by her ear.

"It's taking a lot to restrain myself from taking you home with me."

Juliette gasped and pulled away.

How brazen!

"Alpha Christian, may I cut in?"

Chris let go of Juliette instantly. It was Jaxon.

He nodded curtly at Chris, who slipped off into the crowd. Juliette watched Jaxon carefully, trying to figure out whether he was angry at their dancing. But he looked calm, impassive even.

"He's quite the gentleman, out of the Alpha's I am glad it was him the occupied your time while I was busy," Jaxon said, taking Chris's spot in a dancing position. Juliette gulped; so he wasn't angry.


Unlike with Chris, Jaxon danced quietly, not speaking. Juliette relaxed in his arms, letting him carry her across the dance floor, letting him make her feel like she was walking on air.

Juliette didn't stand on his foot once; he actually made her feel like she was a good dancer!

They danced for three songs, before someone decided to cut in.

"Alpha King, may I steal your date away for one dance?"

Juliette felt her jaw drop as she saw who had offered.

It was the stranger from last night. He wore a black mask like Jaxon's, but his was more plain and mysterious. His dark hair looked like he had only brushed it with his fingers his eyes dark like obsidian. He was dressed in a tux with a black under shirt and a black tie.

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