Chapter 2- New People

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I sigh, turning around to the boy. At least it isn't slut-runner anymore. I glare at him, "What do you want?"

He grins in a cocky matter, "You have an interesting fire free-runner. But, I want your name."

I narrow my eyes, "Why?"

"I'll tell you mine....."

I stiffen as I see shadows move closer to me; of course he has to bring his friends. "No, you will force me, based on the group of people coming our way," I say tilting my head toward where his friends were. They were a good enough distance enough to seem that they weren't eavesdropping, but their eyes tell another story.

The boy tilts his own head, taking in my keen awareness of the environment and people within it.
He smirks in a roguish way, "I'm Ethan, what's your name?

I hesitate.


I sigh, "Kate. Now if you excuse me, I have elsewhere to be then in a kill circle." I quickly stalk past Ethan noticing the surprised looks on his friends' faces. Most free-runner females want to be back in a pack/family so they were always hitting on guys. Ha, not me.

I shake my head, hating this more and more every second. I storm into the small looking high school, students moving away as I pass by. Quickly, I grab my schedule from the front desk and skim through it.







Oooh. Fighting actually sounds fun. I could use a good fight right about now. I sigh as I shove my schedule into my pocket and storm to my first classroom.

Nobody was here yet so I got the choice of seating. I quickly grab a seat towards the back of classroom, closest to the window. I place in my headphones and allow the time to pass.

Time ticks as everybody trickles in and class begins. My teacher was a man who was looking in his 50's. He was old, and seemed like he didn't care anymore. He literally said: "Do whatever you want, we will start tomorrow. Oh here are the rules." That's all we did. Got a page with the rules and then he slept the rest of the class. So, I allowed my gaze to travel to the window, just taking in the mountains and the sea of trees.

A sharp pain cuts across my cheek. In reflex, I spin around in my chair towards the source. I find a group of guys laughing. And who was in the middle? Ethan, of course.

I feel the hot blood leak down my cheek. I quickly wipe it up, hiding the wound in hope that nobody notices how fast I heal. I feel the familiar warmth and know that my cut was gone. I turn back towards the front and plop back into my chair, trying to ignore their taunts. My music gets louder in my ears. Just ignore them. I take the pencil that cut me and examine it.

A perfectly good pencil, why use it on me? I grit my teeth. "Because they think I am weak," I think to myself. I sigh, just fiddling with the pencil, ignoring the cat-calls they were sending my way.

"SPLASH!" A wave of water hit me. I gasp, freezing in shock as I got soaked to the bone; and it was freezing!!! A wave of laughter explodes in the room. My jaw drops down. I pull out my head phones, my mouth still unhinged. Flicking my hands to get rid of the water, I look around to find my prankster.

The son of Poseidon, Jack, was levitating a ball of water while laughing his head off. Jack is one of the most crushed on guys. Every girl wanted to be with him, even those not in this school. Why am I not surprised he is in that little 'group'?

I take a deep controlled breath, and look at my soaked clothing.
"SNAP!" I feel the pencil snap in two in my hand as the second ball of water falls on my head.

This only caused a louder laughing session to begin. I growl, "I can't take this."
I stand up, getting the boys attention and look at them. "You just messed with the wrong runner...." I snarl.

"Ooo, I'm so scared" laughs Jack, his blue eyes shining with mischief. He flicks his white blonde hair away as I grab my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder and storm out of the classroom.

"Where you going, babe?" sneers another boy.

I give a fake smile, knowing that I should be 'nice' to higher class students, "The bell rang...Honey," I hiss the last word and turn on my heal.

God they are so stupid!
"Let us escort you to your next class then, sugar." smirks a familiar voice.
I exhale deeply, allowing my tongue to run circles in my mouth as I try to control my anger.

"I'll pass...." I say through gritted teeth and squeak out of the classroom.

Ethan snatches my schedule out of my hand.
"Hey!" I yell turning on my heal to face him. "Give it back!" I growl trying to snatch it back.

I gasp as his hand grabs mine, causing my skin to catch fire with tingles. Warmth blooms in my stomach.
He smirks at my reaction then responds, "Looks like you have your next class with me....May I escort you now?"

I pull my hand back, hugging my shivering body. "F-f-fine..." I chatter as I glare at this cocky boy.
"Come on then!" A fourth boy says, throwing his hand over my shaking shoulders.
I looked up at him in shock while he just grins, his brown eyes sparkling. "Relax, I don't bite," He smirks, brushing away some of his hazel hair from his eyes.

"But I do..." I think to myself.
"By the way, I'm Will, that's Jack, he's Ethan, and he is Léo." The chocolate eyed boy continues. My eyes travel to where Will's finger points. There stood a gorgeous lion. His mane was sleek black, tan fur, and piercing emerald green eyes. I step back in horror. This school has wild zoo animals running around in it?!

I feel my mouth fall open, again. This lion was twice the size of a normal lion! He looked like a horse!
The lion quickly transforms into a handsome boy. Black hair, tan skin, and emerald eyes. His eyes flashed and quickly changed to grey. I blink, his eyes change like mine! He's an animal transformer! I didn't know they had animal transformers in Mythical Academy... Perhaps I may fit in?

He walks over, throwing me a crooked smile, "Hello, what might your name be?"
I look him over intently, wondering if I should tell him.

"Her name is Kate." Ethan replies for me. He throws me a smirk while I feel myself grind my teeth. Perhaps not.

"RING!" sounds the bell.
"Come on guys, don't want the free-runner to be late on her first day now do we?" Jack says, playing with some of the rain water.

I begin to shiver more as Will pushes me to the raining outside to get to fighting class.

Mythical Academy (Undergoing EDITING)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara