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I woke up my eyes blinking vulnerably. "She's awake." Those words sounded like Dejavu. 

I felt uneasy as I tried getting back up but my limbs felt like all the muscle faded away. I heard the doors open and I moved my head just a centimeter even with moving it that little took so much energy from me. I felt like my depression was hitting me. But I had to get back up. I had to move. I got to my hands and knees and soon stood up lifting my head up holding it high. Giraffes always hold their heads up head to see any threats and to grab food. Wolves puffed out their chests to make themselves bigger as well as straightening their backs. 

"How are you standing? You just flew up to that barrier and you knew it was a force shield. It was of 50000 Volts." I looked at him. 

"Never underestimate me." Everyone murmured and I could feel them staring at him. 

This all felt like an uneasy dream. Something was off. I felt it. I could feel it in my core. "Why danger yourself like that?"

"Because you recruited in your words, in my words you kidnapped someone with depression and fights with suicide everyday constantly. Meaning you thought you could beat me and train me. I do not train for anyone but myself. Plus, I refuse to be anyone's lab-rat." I spat at his face.

"My oh my, don't you have one feisty temper." A new guest or shall I say prison guard spoke making an entrance through the door. 

He was full of black. Black hair, black eyes, even his teeth were black. I could tell by everyone looking at him with disgust is that they didn't appreciate him. "Wow, whenever you see a rock band, don't try to mimic it. You really suck at trying to look scary. I bet, you listen to sweet harmonies and lullaby's nothing at all scary like." I smirked. 

"You shut your face you whore!"

"Wow, I am surprised you know a big word like that! Who knew you had a bigger brain than the size of a pea!" That made everyone laugh as he jumped at the cage hitting the bars. He made a dent in it. 

He had some type of super strength. Probably shouldn't antagonize him. But I could. And I know it takes a key to open a jail cell. I body checked the cage making it land on him as my cage tipped over making me loose balance as it crashed onto his body. I looked into his eyes. I saw something else. I saw something in his eyes that made me say these words. "You don't have to listen to them. You don't have to be a slave to them or to their power."

"They are my family."

"Well at least you have on. They took me from my family."

"your disconnected from them."

"Yes, from my blood. But not from my boyfriend. Not from my friends. Not from my school." I felt tears in my eyes. 

"Please help me return to them. I have never felt safe in my life except in my boyfriend's arms. I have never missed and mourned the loss of him and I am not ready to do so. Please, help me." 

"I can't." I could see something else flash in his eyes. Something behind his eyes. 

He was telling the truth. "What do you mean you can't?" I asked my voice breaking up. 

My cage was lifted up by others who dressed like him.  I grabbed the bars as they helped him up. "What DO YOU MEAN! PLEASE TELL ME!" I screamed. I felt my chest caving in. 

I started to hyperventilate. "If you calm down I will tell you. It is dangerous for you to be agitated." He spoke. 

I looked him in the eyes. I was afraid to know the answer but I had to know. I nodded. I could feel something was off. I just knew whatever he was about to tell me would be wrong. I knew it wouldn't be good news. I knew it would be bad news. "Your boyfriend, is gone forever. He died a week ago in a car crash." 

"I haven't even been here for a week. You have to be lying!" But I felt as if he wasn't lying. 

"I am not. You have been in hear for two months." Alarms blared in my mind. 

How could that possibly be? Time hasn't gone by that quick. I saw him push everyone off. "Leave, I have to finish with her." The people left as he opened my cage. 

"The only way you can escape is if you train, and train hard. Become the A'student. Get everyone to train together and you can develop a plan. You were right about not having a family. They hold me together. But when you do escape. Make sure no one else finds out about you." I nodded. 

"I am sorry, but I have a rep of punching people in faces."

"If you can do it, you'll have to try." I smirked challenging him.

"Give her a break!" One of the guys shouted. He swung and I ducked punching him in the stomach and wiping my hand along his pocket grabbing his key. I quickly got out of the cage and locked him into it.

I got to the person across from me and got him out. "hurry get everyone else out. Ill distract them." I said as the door opened and I flew up. I looked at my white wings as I flew down like an eagle taking them out with my wings. I saw as a girl joined up with me and the other two boys. I saw the girl and boy they were no older than six or seven. 

"Anyone know how to make explosions to let us out?" I asked. 

"Johny, does." He pointed to the child. 

"He can't go alone."

"Of course not, I am going with him." I nodded. 

"We need someone to dim the lights or turn off all electricity."

"we can do that." I nodded. 

She left with the girl. "We must keep them distracted here." 

"you should take a break, you were electrocuted."

"No time to waste." I answered.

"You are no good if you push yourself over the limit."

"I am more useful than you will ever know." The lights turned off. Which meant that the keys to our facility will be locked. 

"Oh no."


"The doors will be locked. which means they will be caught unless we can find them. You go for Johnny and the other guy, I go get the girls."

"Okay." I slammed my body into the door and to my surprise it flew off. 

I turned several times and finally found the girls having two men holding them hostage. I grabbed both of their head colliding them against each other. We need to get out of here. We need to get out tonight. 


What do you think will happen?

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