Chapter 6

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It was the weekend and I was sitting in my room watching some random show when my mom abruptly stormed in without knocking. 

"Julie, get dressed," she said opening the closet.

Ignoring her, I continued watching the show.

"Juliana!" she exclaimed. "I said get up. We have to go somewhere."

"Where are we going?" I groaned rolling on the bed.

"Your father has an invitation to the Rhode Island State Association Gala. It's last minute but we'll make it if we start getting ready now."

"I'm not in the mood to go!"

She threw me a glare. "I don't care. This is a big moment for you, for me and your father, and for the company. Don't disappoint us."

Confused, I turned off the television. I walked towards her and leaned on the wall. "What do you mean 'big moment'? We go to galas all the time, how is today's any different?"

Huffing, she grabbed a formal royal blue knee-length dress and shoved it towards me. 

"Wear that."

"You didn't answer my question mom."

Ignoring me, she left the room. 

"Ugh, just great."

After putting on the dress and straightening my hair, I made my way downstairs to find both my parents elegantly dressed, waiting in the foyer.

"You look gorgeous Juliana," my dad said smiling. 

I muttered a "thanks" and walked outside and got into the awaiting limo.

The drive was forty minutes long. The Gala was being hosted at the governor's mansion that was located on the edge of the city. 

My parents were on their phones while I slowly dozed off, watching the city pass by. 

Typical rich parent behavior.

A loud screech startled me awake. Rubbing my eyes, I noticed a large castle looking building outside. 

"Julie, we're here. Fix your dress," my mom said as she applied her lipstick. 

I did as she said and I waited for the door to open. 

As we stepped out, we were photographed and walked down a red carpet that led to the entrance.

"Stop frowning. Smile!" my mom whispered in my ear. 

"Whatever," was all I said as we entered the ballroom and took a seat at our designated table. 

The room screamed rich people. Diplomats, billionaires, and celebrities were all invited to this exclusive event. It was held once a year and only the well-known and elite were summoned. 

"Your mother and I are going to dance. Don't run away," my father warned as he took my mom's hand and led her to the dance floor. 

"I'm going to go snort drugs. See if you like when I run away then!" I muttered, folding a napkin on my lap.

"I didn't take you for a druggie."

Turning around, I was faced with Liza and her brother Jared. 

Rolling my eyes at them, I turned back around and stuffed a strawberry in my mouth. 

"You really don't like us huh?" she then asked, taking a seat next to me. Jared took the other seat beside me. 

"What made you think that?" I remarked, stuffing more fruit in my mouth. "And what are you two doing here anyways?"

"Our father is close friends with the governor and is one of the main investors for his campaign."

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