62. His confession

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Preeti's point of view

"You wanted to know what is bothering me from past days." I asked him looking into his eyes.

He nodded his head slowly while looking into my eyes.

"..then tell me who is Anna Smith."

He looked shocked hearing her name from me. His grip on me loosened and he took a step back.

His body stiffened and hands turned into a tight fist.

"How do you know her?" He asked me in a cold voice.

"It doesn't matter how do in know her or how much i know. Only matters to me the truth from you." I said while taking a step from him.

I cupped his face with my both hands and make him lean to me.

"Please tell me what happened with you two years ago. Please share your pain with me. Let all your demon come out from you." I said in shaky voice while touching our foreheads.
Tears are escaping from my eyes continuously.

"Please..." i whispered under my breath.

He put his both hand on mine and remove them from his face.

He took a step back from me and took a deep breath.

"Anna smith is the daughter of my Dad's friend, Jeffery smith and he is one of the board member of our company. When malhotra uncle came to dad with your marriage proposal for me before that her father came to Dad for her marriage proposal to me but I rejected the proposal because i was aware about her cunning mind and low character. Da knows about her hunger for money. She was already divorced and six year older than me." He said while looking at somewhere not me. His balled his hand in a tight fist that his knuckles are started turning white.

"Dad and I neither told keerti about this nor discuss with maa. After that malhotra uncle came to dad and told about you. Dad got impress by you and asked me marry to you. First I dined but when i saw your photo I immediately said yes to dad . You looking so innocent and beautiful in that picture. " he has a small smile on his face when he was saying this like he is replaying that in his mind.

"But when Jeffery smith came to know that he got sick and admitted to hospital in ICU so that her daughter Anna replaced him at the company. But i have never trust on her."
I looked at him. His eyes only focused at one place. He didn't blinked yet.

"Two years ago when Dad announced in front of all board members that I'll be the next C.E.O. of the company. This Anna smith opposed the decision along with some board members but eventually majority wins and as a chairperson of the company dad handed me company and announced me as a current C.E.O of the company." He said still looking at the same place.

Kshama told me about this how some board members didn't want to him as a C.E.O.

"But when i handel the company as a C.E.O. we suddenly started loss many deals. Our clients are not happy with us. I started having doubts on my ability to handle the company. I hired the investigating company and tell them to find why we lost the sudden deals. I talked to my clients also and then i came to know that someone in our company leaked the important information to our rival companies. I also something fishy in our financial department, when i dig deeper i found huge shuffling of money in different accounts and a huge amount of money was transferred to an unknown account."

"In between all of this our investors are also taking a step back to our company and asking for the their funds. The day I shouted on you on phone without any reason, that day i was in a meeting with our one of the important investor and he pulled his hand off to us. I tried to convinced him but he didn't agree with us. Due to this our London clintes broke the deal with us. That was the dream project of mine and will give a huge profit and publicity to our company."

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