Bonding Time

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Lola and Egris left the canteen after saying a polite goodbye to Julie. Despite it being only 7.10, Egris insisted that it was time to sleep.

"I have to leave early in the morning and the first bonding meeting will be tomorrow. It'll be a tiring day." he said as the two of them entered the living room.

"Bonding meeting?" Lola echoed


"What is it?"

"A meeting where you are forced to get to know your mate. Something which I desperately want to avoid."

Lola, a little hurt asked, "Why?"

"Because you haven't been here a full day yet and already they want to start the process."

The breeding process. 

Lola involuntary shivered. She had two full months to get her head around that process and warm up to her mate. So far they've had limited conversations and she's seen the canteen. That's it. Hardly the foundations to build a family upon. Egris seemed the type of man to be withdrawn when it came to anything remotely personal, so the chance of him becoming a lovesick puppy was slim. But Lola could try.

"It might be fun, you don't know. I think it sounds like a good idea." She opined, hoping to get more thoughts out of him.

He turned back round to her.

"Trust me, I do." he added gravelly

"Oh, ok. What time does it start?" she asked swiftly, slightly flustered by his rugged tone.

"10 am. And before you ask, I don't know when it ends." He held his hands up to stop Lola before she asked the same question.

"I wasn't going to!" she retorted although he was right.

"Yes you were, don't lie." he scolded, looking deep into Lola's eyes and making her squirm.

"Maybe.... but I'm just being curious! I haven't been here before."

"Well, I'm telling you now. Any more questions?"

"Just one. What about breakfast?"

"I'll leave breakfast in the fridge. At 9.45 I'll walk you to the meeting hall. Be ready then." And with that, he sharply turned on his heel and strode towards his bedroom.

"Bye then." Lola said to the empty living room.


Lola woke up having the best night sleep possible ever. Lying on her double bed was like sleeping on clouds, her mattress almost consumed her form. So it was no surprise when the alarm she set went off. Lola hadn't realised how long she had slept until she peeled her eyes open and saw the numbers lighting up her phone screen. 


She shot up like a bolt and stumbled out of bed, untangling her duvet from her ankles and sped to the bathroom. She desperately didn't want to be late and feel the wrath of an angered Xyon. Especially a warrior Xyon. 

The water was ice cold but there was little time to complain. She scrubbed herself thoroughly with the apple body gel and brushed her teeth in the shower to save time. Once she was done, Lola pulled on a pair of black leggings and a loose grey jumper. She wasn't sure what the bonding meeting entailed exactly but at least she would be comfortable.

By the time Lola had combed out the rat nest on top of her head and applied a layer of mascara, Egris was calling her name from the living room. She stepped outside and saw her mate stand ramrod straight by the front door. He had changed from his black suit to a Prussian blue one with a silver embossed symbol on the chest. 

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