Season 3: Episode 15

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| November 3rd | Saturday Afternoon |

~ Megan's POV ~

As I continued to prepare a grocery list, I could hear Sam getting ready for work in our bedroom. The distance she had created was vast, and that on top of no longer even sleeping next to me was taking its toll on our relationship. I knew she was struggling, and I knew her therapist was pushing her, but as much as I wanted to trust the process, I couldn't help but think it was just making things worse.

I could only imagine what they were addressing. Probably childhood trauma Sam had refused to tell me about, which could be a plethora of things. Her avoidance to bring those things up only screamed how badly they needed to be addressed, so if her and her therapist were working on those traumas, I could partially understand why she refused to talk to me about her sessions. In a way, it wasn't my business, but in another, I wanted to know how I could help bridge the expanding gap it was creating between us.

She emerged from our room looking exhausted, but still professional and put together. Her eyes refused to land on me until she found her keys and wallet, and then once she did, she forced her body to move over to me and kiss me goodbye.

"I'm leaving," she said while kissing my head. "I'll see you tonight."

The peck felt empty and numb, but I tried not to let it get to me.

"I love you," I replied.

"Love you, too."

Then she was out the door.

My chest tightened at the sight of her disappearing as I leaned back into my chair and attempted not to cry. It was hard, and I knew it was going to be if Sam ever attempted to heal from her past. What I didn't know was how she would shut me out so... easily.

I finished up the grocery list, got dressed, and headed out the door in a hurry, trying to outrun the bad thoughts that seemed adamant on ruining my day even more.

* * *

The store was bustling with people as I finally made my way back to the front for check out. Once I got into line, I double-checked my list to make sure I had gotten everything, and then settled down and awaited my turn.

Then, I heard a familiar voice.


I turned to see Ethan approaching me with a cart and smile.

"Do you do your shopping on Saturdays too?" he wondered.

"Usually, but a lot earlier," I confessed. "To beat the crowd."

"That's a good idea," he said. "I might have to steal that one."

He joined in my line and I welcomed it. As crap as I had been feeling lately about my relationship, Ethan, who had experienced many relationship issues himself, didn't shy away from me venting about my own. He knew the importance of connection and wanted to be there for me.

"So, where's Sam?" he asked.


"Should've figured." He leaned against his cart. "Doesn't it get annoying? The opposite schedules thing?"

I shrugged. "Yes and no. I mean, other things have been getting to me more."

"Like the isolation."


I hadn't wanted to air out all my issues to Ethan, Sam's included, so he only knew as much as I let in on. He didn't know Sam's past with trauma and how her therapy was probably bringing up old stuff she had suppressed for years. It felt wrong going into detail about that.

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