Chapter 9

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Eventually, Monday morning arrived, and it was time to start the next week at work.

After pressing the button for the 55th floor, I felt a sense of anxiety. Our department had just been moved to the CEO's floor over the weekend for 'spacing issues'. 

It seemed like bullshit. Our department was fairly small, but we didn't have any say in the matter. The realization that I'd be permanently working on the same floor as Jason gave me butterflies in my stomach. This whole thing felt so random and unnecessary. 

Hopefully we got some answers today. 

The moment the elevator reached the 55th floor, I heard the commotion from my co-workers, who didn't sound happy about the move. One of my work acquaintances, Katie, was busy setting up her things at her new desk. She was a short, petite, red-headed woman that was a lot older than me, but she was really sweet.

Katie had been at the company for a long time, so I wondered if she found it strange that our department was moving to the same floor as the CEO. It felt especially weird because this move happened so soon after I started working here. Casually, I made my way over to Katie to hear her thoughts. 

"What do you think of this move?" I asked Katie. 

Her glasses fell down the bridge of her nose as she looked up at me. "It's weird. I've worked here almost twenty years, and we've always been on the 31st floor--no idea why there was such a sudden need for a change. It said something about spacing issues, but I've never heard anyone complain about that."

"Agreed," I responded.

Finally, I found the nameplate that signified my desk. My desk had probably the best view, which was really exciting. It was right next to a giant window that highlighted the city skyline, which was beautiful. As if on cue to destroy my happiness, Jason walked into his office and sat down. 

Suddenly, it became very obvious that my assigned desk was directly facing his office, and his desk was directly in my line of sight. His office, which took up a good portion of the 55th floor, had a large glass door, so you could see inside. 

That meant he could see me, too. I realized this only when Jason looked up, noticed me staring, and then gave me that subtle 'nod of acknowledgement' that guys do.

Horrified, my jaw dropped. Did he give me this desk on purpose? I stopped myself--why would he? After all, there were plenty of other desks that were also near me. This was a huge coincidence--it had to be a coincidence, since I wasn't sure what it would mean otherwise. Why would the CEO of the company move our entire department to his floor, and then put my desk directly in his line of sight?

It was too weird. The thought that he did it for me briefly crossed my mind; after all, I had mentioned to him several times that the view on the 55th floor was incredible. That seemed like a ridiculous conclusion, though, as I barely knew Jason. I had just started working here a few weeks ago.

While I was spacing out, my gaze must have settled on him at some point because he was now staring at me. After looking away, it was obvious from the corner of my eyes that he was still looking at me. His gaze was intense and a bit unsettling.

My heart started pounding in my chest, and my mouth went dry. Jesus fucking Christ, Anna. I needed to pull myself together. There had to be a simple explanation as to why he kept staring at me when I looked away. It was very possible that he was spacing out as well. There was, after all, a window behind me with lots of pretty scenery.

Why would he be staring at me anyway? I wasn't much to look at, after all. Natalie, his new assistant, was much more of a looker anyway.

As if on cue, Natalie sauntered into his office. She had her own separate office that was connected to his, but she spoke to him for a few minutes.

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