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Leah's Pov,

Class had ended and I am soooo glad it has because any more minute and I would have died in there. AP chemistry is sooo boring. Right now I'm bugging Brandon because he wouldn't tell me what my birthday present was.

"Come on! Tell me"

"No" he said smiling.

We were by his car waiting for our friends


"No." He chuckles.

Time to bring out the baby. I pouted. Full pouting. Quivering lips, big watery eyes that suck you in. He looked at me for a while then shook his head.

"Nope, not gonna work"

Damn! Almost had it. But whatever.

I looked up to see Chase and Jo coming.

"Hey guys"

"Hey" they responded

"Where are we heading to?" Jo asked.

"Brandon's house. We'll order in."

Tiny detail. Brandon lives alone since both parents are always traveling. They are filthy rich let me tell you. Like full on wealthy but he likes to keep it on the down low. He lives in a three bedroom apartment.

"Where's Jax and Lizzie?"
Jo answered,

"On the their way. Oh! Here they come."

"Hey guys." I answered,

"Hey. Are we ready to go?"


"Let's go".

Brandon drives off. Cheerleading and football practices resumes next week.

Brandon's house;

We were all in his living room deciding on what to watch.

"Let's watch Titanic" Lizzie suggested.

"Ew. Too girly and emotional" Jax replied.

"Is not."

"Is too"


"What about the Notebook?" Jo cut in.

"If that's what you want" Chase said lovingly.

It's so annoying how he gets all lovey-dovey around her and she has no idea. They both are as clueless as a bird.

Brandon spoke,

"Connect the tv to Netflix. Here's the remote. Leah, you come with me to get the popcorn."


"Get some soda too!"Jax shouted.

"Sure thing!"

Brandon yelled back as we went to the kitchen.

I went to the cabinet to bring out the bowl to pour in the popcorn while Brandon got the soda.

"Baby, are you okay with spending your birthday watching tv with the guys? I can take you somewhere quiet if you like?"

I turned to face the island and started pouring popcorn into different bowls.

"No, thank you. I love spending time with our friends"

"More than with me?"

His voice came from right behind me. I turned my head and screeched. He chuckled.

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now