Moon Goddess

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Wizard Alcazar(POV)
I was there behind the bushes eavesdropping . I only wished the elders had lost control and tried to sacrifice that poor girl because she is a moon goddess someone whom we worship and not to be slaughtered. I will love to see these wicked elders
pay for there wrath.  I have always had eyes on Lacy she is one of the most beautiful young lady I have ever laid eyes upon. She would bear good children for me and together we will rule the world. But am such an idiot I have gotten on her bad side and now I will  make it right by trying to Rescuing her before twelve tonight when there will be a full moon.

Lacy (POV)
I was fast asleep when I hear small sounds. As I stare on on my watch its now 30mins past 11 the elders will be here any minute now to prep me for sacrifice. As I listen closely I hear small  rattles behind and also a familiar scent. Its the scent of that wizard from the day I killed that sickening royal. Well seems I was the one to watch him squirm without even touching him I laughed wickedly. Lacy came this small whisper as I have thought its the wizard. He didn't say much as he appear in front me and take me and disappear . Seems my plan can be canceled . As well make it far from the council I tell myself that I will make this  man one of my play toys and personal servant .

Elder Tk (POV)
The ritual must start soon or else we won't be able to destroy that witch tonight, an may not have another chance until next full moon. I must admit that I get pleasure from torturing others and allow them beg for mercy where in I will never give. Its been three minutes ago and the stupid guards hasn't return I wonder what's keeping them." Sir" said one of the guards "she has escaped" with that said I dash true the woods but I was too late I list track of get scent. But wat worries me there is another familiar scent known to be of that wizard who was once an outcast.
Alcazar you have been warned  to stop killing innocent children and use them as blood ritual. The goddesses won't have mercy on you. Mother's and father's mourn the lost of there kids daily. Am sorry we the elders of our land has to band you. Your name mustn't be heard of and you are no longer apart of us . Consider your self an outcast because that's who you truly are.
End of flashback
I can't believe after giving him a chance after all he had done he has betrayed me like that. Alcazar you will pay for this.

Sky (POV)
I have shift into my white wolf going to take a run. An the good news is that my sister has mind link mom that she has escaped with help from the betrayer himself . If it wasn't for him my family wouldn't be in such a mess right now. But the good thing is that my sister has escaped. Mom has Told me earlier today that tonight at twelve my sister true self will be shown as she will disappear to purgatory to bar the gates that separate us and the dead. Its now time and u have traced my sister and hide behind the near bushes along with mom to watch her change. As the moon light shown  on her I couldn't believe my eyes. She has now gotten longer hair, with white streaks and also  beautiful white gown has appear and her eyes glimmer in the moon light as new set of powers curse true her veins. I must say she is breath takenly beautiful .

Lacy's (POV)
I was having a good talk with Alcazar here pretending that I don't loathe him. But when he told me about the things that will happen to me tonight an that am a moon goddess  I must say am surprised. I then began to walk towards the moon light unwillingly, it is  as if the moon is calling to me. I then began to go true changes and as if the wind swept off my feet I disappear beyond the clouds.

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