The Bloody Cure

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Once more, she heard everything. The yelling, arguing, crying, every single second of it echoed down the subway tunnel and into the maintenance room. She didn't expect to catch any of it, though. Rather, she had been expecting to be captured or dead from being discovered, but she was lucky and still free from either creature. All of the noise also gave her an advantage even if she didn't want to move from her spot from terror, but she had to. Ren, Nick, Deidre and (f/n) all were out there still; she couldn't let them down, so she had to summon what remaining courage she had.

Using the noise to hide her actions, she stood up. They wouldn't be able to see the light from her flashlight either due to the door, and they sounded too distracted to notice either, so she explored the maintenance room. At first, nothing of interest greeted her. Dust, rusted machines, spider webs and a rusted metal cabinet rested in the room, but she performed another inspection since an air vent was out of the option due to the only one in the room being incredibly tiny.

On her second run through, she noted something peculiar about the cabinet. She crouched and shone the flashlight's beam underneath it. There, she spotted what might just save her friends: another vent shaft. Brushing back strands of loose light brown hair, she stood up and began to push the cabinet. The metal creaked horribly, but she heard no one racing towards the room; she only hoped that they kept yelling for awhile longer, or she would be detected.

With it moved enough, she lifted off the covering, which thankfully wasn't screwed into the ground, and climbed down. She lowered herself onto her hands and knees, illuminating the metal tunnel ahead. More spider webs greeted her along with the occasional dead spider or insect. Chris, though, pushed back any thoughts of disgust since she had a vital task to fulfill, but there remained the issue of whether the air vent would lead to all of her friends' location. Even if it did head there, where would she pop out of the ground from? If it was in the middle of the room, things might escalate in difficulty quite quickly.

Trying to remain somewhat positive, she continued down the shaft and noted the old fan. She might be able to crawl between the unmoving blades, which unnerved her a little. If she couldn't fit, she would try busting it down. The metal was old enough that it might be possible. It didn't take long to reach the fan. First, Chris took off the backpacks and threw them through the opening onto the other side. Chris proceeded to touch her elbows together and made herself as small as she could as she crawled forward. Just barely, her shoulders fit between the two bottom blades. Once they were through, she moved onto her right side and used her free hand to pull herself forward.

Thankfully, she got through, and she was able to press onward. The arguing grew louder as she drew nearer, and she saw light up ahead that wasn't from her flashlight. She switched the device off and moved in a quieter fashion. "I'll take what you desire most, and, maybe, you'll wake up to your failures." Those words hit her ears, and she practically launched herself forward. Chris reached the opening. There were no screws. (F/n) and Callest were near to the vent opening. Callest raised his left hand. Ether screamed for (f/n). Nick followed. Her next word was ..."(F/n)!"

No hesitation entered her actions. Her body threw itself towards the vent opening. Metal shot up and was cast aside as a loud bang sounded through the room. Chris leaped out of the opening. She reached forward, but Callest's hand already was moving. Sharp nails soared through the air and towards their target. They met flesh, but they missed their bull's-eye due to arms moving them slightly. Several piercing cries, one incredibly high-pitched, resonated in the area as a projectile of crimson flew before thin streams trickled down skin and dripped onto the floor below.

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