Chapter Thirty-Two: Ruari

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I don't know if what I said was enough to assuage his fears but Ciaran immediately calmed down after I assured him that nobody could make me leave if I didn't want to. After he got his bearings back we wasted no time and headed back to face what's waiting for us in the pack house.

The atmosphere in the house was dire and quiet. It felt like someone died or was about to. I don't know what the pack had been told about our visitors but each member we passed by on our way to the council room was eyeing us worriedly. Some even appeared desperate.

"What does the pack know?" I whispered to Ciaran.

"Nothing for now. But some of them saw your brother enter the house and word spreads fast around here, you know that." He whispered back. "Lorcan linked with me earlier and told me to be prepared for anything. He couldn't say much, apparently one of your brother's escorts is gifted and could tap into the conversation."

Any form of mind link between werewolves is basically telepathy. But there is a restriction and you need to fulfill certain conditions in order to tap from one mind to another. Like being members of the same pack or being mated to each other. But there are others, rare type of wolves, who has the natural ability for telepathy. The conditions and restrictions does not apply to them.

I've heard of stories about them but I've never seen or met one in person.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means your family is employs high ranking wolves." Ciaran answered. "Werewolves who has natural talents like that only serve one master, the royals."

"Royals." I repeated dumbly and he just nodded.

Shit! This is getting ridiculous and more insane by the second.

Ciaran stopped a few feet away from the council room and held both my hands in his.

"We could still delay this meeting." He said. "They barged in our territory without notice, I could send them away and arrange this for another day if you're not ready."

I stood on my toes and connected my lips to his before touching a lock of his hair.

I look at Ciaran and see everything I've always wanted in my life and so much more I know I don't deserve.

He means well but there's no point in running away. Yes, we could hide but they'd be back and who knows how many they'd be when they do or what kind of method they'd use next time they decide to come for me.

This is the most favorable set up for us. We're on our own territory, surrounded by our own pack. Even if the people waiting inside the council room are, in fact, royals they wouldn't do anything to disrespect or displease the alpha and the pack the they're visiting. It's bad form. It's true they breached the usual protocol but they wouldn't do anything drastic other than that. I hope...

"I'm as ready as I'd ever be," I told him, breathing in deeply to keep myself calm.

Ciaran nodded. He let go of my hands but I snatched his left hand back.

"Stay beside me?" I asked.

He smiled gently and kissed me lightly in the lips, "Always."

Ciaran knocked twice on the door before we entered the room. I know Lorcan warned us to be ready for anything but nothing could have prepared us for what was waiting inside.

Standing by the huge windows, looking out the backyard, is a man who I could safely assume to be my brother.

I felt Ciaran's hand tightened around mine and tension emanated from him in huge waves. I can't blame him for suddenly feeling confused and bewildered. I would be too if I were him. Personally, I'm beyond shocked because the man looking back at us is a mirror image of myself.

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