Chapter 33: Cassiopeia

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Sleeping is hard.

Two in the morning and I'm still fucking awake.

I hate myself.

I'm definitely going to hate myself in the morning if I doubt go to sleep now, but I know I'll do this again tomorrow night.

I carefully roll over with a sigh so I'm laying on my side, my ribs protesting in pain, and stare at the ceiling.

I know now isn't the time, and I should be focusing on sleeping, but I'm so. Fucking. Bored.

I feel like screaming because there's nothing to do but sleep, and I can't even do that.

Letting out a sigh and closing my eyes, I decide to count sheep. It should work, or at least help a little.

I visualize a small meadow with a fence in my head, and then the sheep come.

One sheep.

Two sheep.

Three sheep.

Four sheep.

Five shee––

Holy fuck, why is this so boring? How do people do this to fall asleep?

I let out another sigh, and not even five seconds later, my phone vibrates from the nightstand by the bed, and I pick it up to see a text from Aaron.

Oblivious Ass: can u stop sighing I can hear u from my room and it's keeping me up

Me: ur room is right next to the one I'm in it's not a big deal

Me: and I'm not even sighing that loud

Me: get earplugs

Oblivious Ass: Cassie just be quiet

Me: make me

He sends another text, but by then my phone is already locked and is resting back on the nightstand.

Withholding another sigh, I close my eyes again and attempt to go back to sleep.

I just want to fucking sleep.

My eyes fly open when a hand covers my mouth to see Aaron leaning over the side of the bed with a stupid smirk on his stupid face.

"This counts as making you, right?"

I glare at him. "You fucking asshole," I try to say, only it comes out extremely muffled due to his warm hand covering my mouth.

"What was that, Cassie? I couldn't quite hear you."

Oh, what I would give to be able to kick him in the balls right now.

He must see the thought on my face because his eyes widen and he leaps away from me, his hand slipping from my mouth.


He smiles at me. "I got you to be quiet for five seconds, didn't I? I call that a job well done."

I roll my eyes and his smile turns into a smirk.

I stare at him, confused, but my eyes widen when he comes close again, his face nearing mine.

What is he doing?

I can feel my cheeks heat up and my breathing quicken, hoping he's about to do what I think he's about to do.

And then he lands a flick on my nose.

I groan, slamming my head back into the mattress. "You're an ass."

He snickers, and the sound makes me smile, a happy feeling rising in my chest as I stare at him.

Resisting the Player -- [Completed - Unedited]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora