14. The Unthinkable

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Scarlett gripped the piece of paper in her trembling hands, re-reading the contents over, and over again. Releasing a shaky breath, she gripped the desk closest to her, stabilizing herself. "How is it possible?" The paper became too blurry to see and Scarlett realized she was crying as she saw her tears drip on the paper, leaving a mark. But not as hideous as the marks that the contents of the paper had left on her entire existence.

The paper fell as her hand flew to her mouth, trying to mute the sobs that racked her already trembling body. Scarlett felt an ache settle deep in her heart, squeezing it painfully, almost hurting her physically. As her sobs grew louder and louder, she realized she needed to get out of here, or else...

Scarlett woke up with a gasp, sitting upright, her breathing erratic as she struggled to control it. She was sweating, profusely, she realized as she flung the blanket away from her body and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. She gulped, her throat was incredibly parched. She reached for the nightstand only to find an empty jug. Great.

Reaching over, she picked up the phone and called the reception so she could have her jug filled, but nobody picked up. Scarlett sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling irritation slowly take over her body. I just want to get out of this place.

Slipping her feet in her room slippers, she pulled the curtains open, noticing the darkness outside. What time is it? Scarlett looked towards her right, where the huge clock indicated that it was a little past 3 pm. Why the darkness then?

She picked up her robe and turned to face the window again, there must be a storm coming, she thought as she wrapped the robe tighter around her body, noticing the dark grey clouds, swirling slowly overhead. She couldn't see the peaks of the magnificent mountains in front of her, being engulfed in raging, snowy clouds. Scarlett shivered involuntarily.

Getting out into the hallway, she immediately paused when she heard shouting noises coming from the other wing. As she got closer to the intersection of the corridors, where the stairs were, she could make out some of the words being thrown around and realized that it was Ella and Mark, the older couple, who were fighting. Or discussing something heatedly, she couldn't tell. Shrugging it off, she made her way downstairs and towards the reception.

Scarlett bumped into Levi on the way and almost fell in the process. "Oh, Scarlett! I thought you were sleeping?" Levi said.

"I was... but how do you know and why do you care?" Scarlett asked skeptically.

"Oh, Emma told me," he said, waving his hand. "I'm talking to everybody about Eric, and their thoughts about his death," Levi continued, "I was going to go get Ella, but since you're here, I want to talk to you first."

Levi saw how Scarlett's eyes got wide as her breathing got deeper, "Oh, okay... where?" She blinked. This is bad...

"Anywhere you'd like. Although, you just missed lunch. Shall we go to the dining area and I can question you there while you eat?" Levi suggested. People are the most defenseless when they're eating, he thought inwardly.

Scarlett could only nod in response, I have to co-operate or he's going to suspect me. "Sure, I could use some food," she forced a smile which didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Great, let's go!"

Minutes later they were both seated across each other in the dining room."Do you want to wait for the food, or should we start?" Levi asked her.

"No, we can start."

"Okay then! Can you tell me about your relationship with Eric?" Levi asked, clicking open his pen and leaning back in his chair.

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