Part 3

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She is amazing. She has not shed a tear while we all know she is in pain. She has to be mortified standing here in just her birthday suit, and cooking. The way she took control of the kitchen, and started bossing us around. She is too short to reach most of the pans, and the cans. She is making spaghetti, with meat sauce, garlic bread and green beans. She is making a list of everything the kitchen needs stocked with for her to cook every meal. Our clubhouse is an old hotel. We have an industrial kitchen, full bar, industrial laundry facility, and each room needs cleaned. Snake has tasked Little One here to do it all. 

"Food is done!" She yells, in a deep loud voice. I am sure most everyone heard. I hear everyone pile into the dining area. She takes a deep breath and grabs the pan of spaghetti. I follow behind her with the green beans, and the garlic bread. "Bitch!" I hear the slap, and her body hitting the ground. "I wanted steak for dinner, not spaghetti." Snake growled. "Then maybe you should have said so. I would have happily made that, but I did not know." She spoke quietly, and almost submissively. She shifts over to being on her knees, with her head bowed. Snake grabs a handful of hair, and jerks her head back. "Please, forgive me. I will do better next time." She sounded monotone, and disconnected. Snake spat on her face, and let her go. He stalked off, and grabbed a club girl. Little One got up, and picked up the pan of spaghetti, she managed to save. "Fix your own plate. No more than a scoop of it each. If I care catch you eating more, I will call you on it!" She yells out, while wiping her face. I look to the other guys, and they are all just as shocked as me. She was humiliated in front of all these men, and other club girls, only to stand proud and strong. 

She kept standing over in the corner, and cleaning up when someone was finished. She hadn't eaten anything herself. I fixed her a plate, and walked to her.  I held it out to her, but she just sighed. "I can't have it." She whispered, and hung her head. "Why?" I grunted. "I'm allergic. I can't have sugar or grains. I only eat animals, dairy, and eggs. Otherwise, I risk going into anaphylaxis and dying." She whispered, and my heart dropped. I knew she had cupcakes in there cooling, which meant she had fixed an entire meal, that she couldn't even taste. I took it upon myself and went and got her a steak. I had the guys find out how she liked it, and of course my little meat eater wanted it still bleeding. That made me smile. She ate her steak without a fork or knife, and she didn't seem to care one bit that she had blood dripping down her chin. 

"You can have either a shirt or pants."Snake smiled at Little One's body. "Shirt, please and thank you." She folded her hands in front of her, and bowed her head. "Jones, give her your shirt. Keep it clean, or else you will lose it." She nodded, still with her head bowed. Whatever he did to her in that room, must have broken her. She went from defiant and spitting blood to submissive. "I have a present for you." Snake cooed. I stepped closer to her, and we all tensed. He raised her face by lifting her chin. "Come see what I brought you?" She just nodded timidly, and started following him. We entered the main area or what was the lobby. Her boyfriend was being held by two prospects. "So, this is where you ran off to?" He hissed at her. Couldn't he see the bruises? Did he just not care? "Looks like they aren't what you thought huh? I told you  real MC's rape their women. How many have had you? I thought you were different from my exes, but you aren't!" He tried to lunge at her. She took a step towards him, and reached out, cupping his cheek. "You know I loved you. I have no idea why. If you really believe I wanted to come here, and I would willingly cheat on you, like you have me. Then you don't fucking know me at all." Her voice went cold at the end. "Aaron, would you like to find out what happens to people who play with me?" He spit in her face. I couldn't do anything to Snake, but I can kill this fucker. She wipes her face with her hand, and smiles. "Who is your enforcer?" She quips. I take a step forward, and she raises an eyebrow. "Have fun with him. Please leave the body where it can be found. insurance money would be nice." She walks away, with her head high. She just gave permission to kill her boyfriend. I look back to the man trying to fight, and smirk. This is going to let out some of my anger. 

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