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Jasmina stifled a yawn as she flipped through the pages of her planner, trying to decide if she should start with the paper for her Literature and Film class or go over the music for next week's concert

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Jasmina stifled a yawn as she flipped through the pages of her planner, trying to decide if she should start with the paper for her Literature and Film class or go over the music for next week's concert. She knew which one she would prefer, but her parents might murder her if she practiced her violin at 8 AM on a Saturday.

Literature and Film, it was.

She hated the class. Her professor was so dry, and his monotone voice lulled her into a trance. If not for it being an online class where the lectures were recorded and she could replay them whenever she wanted, she wouldn't have any idea what was going on. It also didn't help that she couldn't care less about the subject matter.

It will be good for your transfer, Jasmina reminded herself. If she took all the terrible general education courses now and got them out of the way, she could focus solely on music once she got to university.

She opened her laptop and settled onto her bed to work.

But maybe I should check my email first.

The scholarship people might have sent out letters. Yes, it was Saturday, but you never know.

With nervous fingers, Jasmina opened her inbox.

It was empty except for more advertisements from stores she never shopped at. She should really unsubscribe from those. For the next ten minutes, she hunted for all the unsubscribe buttons.

When that was taken care of, she had nothing left to use to procrastinate and got to work.

What felt like hours later, there was a knock on her door, followed by a voice she hadn't heard in person in at least a year. "Anyone in there?"

"Danny!" Jasmina set her laptop to the side and vaulted off the bed. Waiting for her on the other side of the door was her older brother, Daniel.

"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be here until next week."

"I don't even get a hug first before you start the questioning?"

She grinned and threw her arms around his neck. He lifted her off the floor and spun her around in the narrow hallway.

"Ahh," she squealed. "Put me down."

He dropped her, and she stumbled back against the wall. Once the dizziness subsided, she pushed off the wall and headed back into her room. Danny trailed after her, perching on the end of her bed.

"So, are you going to tell me why you're here early?" Jasmina asked after she had settled herself back in her spot. She double checked her paper was saved and then closed her laptop, setting it on her nightstand where it wouldn't accidentally get sat on.

"I was able to get a ride early, so I took it. Aren't you excited to spend a whole extra week with me?"


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