13: Invited Over

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Alton made me strangely angry after I left the reception of their wedding. He was getting very nosey, and I didn't particularly like it.

Of course, he was right. I did rob Xander's Sandwiches. But I didn't want him to know or even think that I did. Although, I can't think why he does think it was me. Did I tip him off somehow? I can't remember...

I haven't bought anything extravagant with the money. I mean, it was just $200, it's not like I could buy a new car, house, or even a nice suit. Besides, I didn't need luxury items, I needed items that would keep me alive, like food.

As I thought more about this, the more ridiculous it sounded. What does Alton care? It was a sandwich shop for crying out loud. It's not like I threatened the president! $200 for survival. Nobody got hurt. Sure, Alton's a cop, but this seems like a pitiful case to be following.

A knock on the door grabbed my attention. I got off my recliner and opened the door.

"Hello, Nolan," Alton himself said. "Crystal and I were thinking that it would be great if you could come over to see the new house."

I frowned for a second, but quickly straightened it. "That would be nice. Is it still in town?"

"Oh, yes. It's a few blocks north of you. It's an upgrade from both of our houses."

I nodded. "Planning on having a big family?"

Alton nodded. "Crystal wants three kids. For now, we have the dog and cat to care for." He smiled. "Can you come to dinner tonight?"

"Yes. Sounds great."

"Okay. I'll see you then. Here's the address." Alton gave me a slip of paper, then nodded in goodbye before he turned and left.

I closed the door and watched him pull away in his black Buick. Something didn't set right. Why would they really invite me over? They just got married three days ago, shouldn't they be in honeymoon mode? And why won't they leave me the heck alone?

Crystal's whole attitude has changed. I somehow got through to her. She feels for me. She's probably inviting me out of sympathy. She doesn't want me to be alone.

Alton's attitude has changed, too, just not in the way Crystal's has. Now he suspects me of things. He's probably inviting me to subtly interrogate me.

Still, I figured there wasn't any harm in going. It is nice to get out of the house. Too many memories. Good memories, but I don't necessarily want to stroll down them.

That was around 3:00 when Alton invited me over. Two hours later, I began to get ready to go. I wasn't sure what we were having, so I didn't quite know how to dress.

"You should've asked what was for dinner." Nicole would've said. "Just no whites, okay? What if it was spaghetti?"

I push my white shirts aside and look through my remaining shirts.

"You've always looked best in blue."

I reached for a blue button down shirt. Then I grabbed some black slacks and put my shoes on and headed to the address Alton gave me.

I pulled into their driveway and rang the doorbell. The house was bigger than most houses in Fairview. It was white on the outside and had concrete steps that led to the door.

"Hi, Nolan!" Crystal beams. "Come in!" She stepped aside as I walked in. "We're having tacos."

"Sounds great." I sat on the couch that Crystal gestured to. "Thank you for inviting me."

"No problem." Crystal was wearing a mint green blouse and dark skinny jeans.

"I couldn't help but wonder...what about your honeymoon?" I asked.

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