Chapter Five

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After dinner, everyone started mingling and you finally had the chance to introduce Tom to the rest of your family. Your grandma was immediately smitten with him.

"Haven't I always told you, Y/N?" She raised her eyebrows at you "One day you'll find the one. And here he is." She nudged you with her elbow while nodding at Tom and you rolled your eyes.

"Grandma, we haven't even been together that long." or at all. you added in your head. Tom just smiled while he looked between you and your grandma. You couldn't blame him. What were you supposed to say to something like that when you were just pretending to be together?

"Oh, that doesn't matter. I can already tell he's a keeper." she wrapped one arm around you and the other around Tom, hugging you both. "Welcome to the family Tom."

"That's why I never introduce anybody to my family." You huffed after your grandma had finally moved on to one of your cousins. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it." Tom shrugged. "That's what I'm here for right?"

"Well, actually you're here so I don't get these types of comments from my family. But that plan backfired because now they all want us to get married."

Tom let out a laugh and rubbed your back. "That's what you get for lying to your family, darling." he whispered in your ear before moving his head back to look at you with a smirk. Before you could reply he pulled you into his side, his arm resting around your waist. "There are two girls giggling and taking pictures of us." Tom muttered as he glanced behind you. You turned around to see what he was looking at and spotted Vanessa and Michelle. They were Daniel's sixteen-year-old twin sisters. And just as Tom had said they were giggling while pointing their phone cameras at the two of you. You shifted out of Tom's embrace and walked over to the two teenagers who were sitting at one of the dining tables. Their eyes went wide and they put their phones down when they noticed you advancing towards them with a scowl on your face.

"Hey girls." You addressed them. Your hands were on your hips and you waited for them to greet you back before continuing. "Tom and I would appreciate it if you would stop taking pictures of us without our consent." You took a breath and continued in a friendlier tone. "If you want a picture with him you can go ahead and ask, I'm sure he'd be happy to. But please don't lurk around snapping pictures of us. It's disrespectful."

The girls were visibly affected by your words and nodded quickly.

"Sorry, Y/N. We'll delete them right now." Vanessa said and looked at her sister who unlocked her phone.

"I don't think that's necessary. Unless you want them to, love?" Tom's voice was heard as he put his arm back around you his chin resting on your shoulder and his eyes focused on yours. You had to gulp at the proximity and didn't even notice that Vanessa and Michelle were looking at Tom slack-jawed.

When you remembered that Tom had asked you a question you turned back to the girls and shook your head with a shrug. "Just please don't post them anywhere."

"You don't wanna be seen with me?" Tom teased and you poked him in the ribs but left his comment unanswered. The thing was that while you were fine with paparazzi taking pictures of Tom and you out and about. After all, it was part of the deal. But it was something different in this private setting, surrounded by your family and friends. Aside from that, you didn't want to steal all the attention from Kate and Daniel, it was their weekend and you didn't want pictures of you and Tom in the tabloids to overshadow that.


After talking to your sister and her friends for a moment you were on your way back to Tom when you felt someone tuck on your hand. You stopped walking, curious to see who it was.

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