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The past few months have gone by quickly. Martian moved in a while ago; he's okay I guess but it was and still is slightly weird to be living with someone who is practically a stranger. Mum didn't seem to care though and was quite content with the whole idea. Since the whole stalker thing I've had to start going to therapy which I think has already really helped.

My baby sister was born a few weeks ago so I must look like a zombie by being woken up by her crying in the night. Since the day Dad moved out he hasn't been bothered to contact us now all wrapped up with his new girlfriend. This is probably a good thing given the circumstances.

At the moment I'm collecting all my things together in a bag because I'm going around Blair's house to get ready for prom. After everything, I considered not going but I already had the dress that I chose out ages ago and Blair was practically begging for me to go.

Blair told me to bring whatever makeup I have which isn't much but I put it into a small makeup bag anyway.

Heading downstairs I see my mum with my little sister in her arms rocking her back and forth. She's waiting at the door with her hair scraped up in a messy bun.

"Have fun at prom," she whispered looking from me to my peacefully asleep sibling.

I nodded my head not wanting to wake up the baby and walked out the door.


On the way to Blair's house, my mind yet again has drifted off to April and Tess. Tess had seemed so off in those last few months I should've known she was involved, how could I have been so stupid? It's like my brain couldn't actually fathom that I was being stalled; It all seemed so surreal like I was in a film or book and not real life.

Trying to distance myself from those thoughts I look around at how the light hits the trees perfectly shining throughout the gaps of the leaves leaving trails of misshapen dots across the path.

Before I knew it I'm already at Blair's house. Walking up the pathway I can see Blair from her front window with a bright smile on her face, one that's almost infectious.

Blair opens up the door before I even get to it.

"Hello prom date," she said happily.

"Hello to you too," I reply with a grin.

Blair quickly gives me a light kiss on the cheek then leads me in.


We walked up to her bedroom and inside I could already see the torture instruments—I mean makeup— laid out.

"Why do you have so much makeup," I asked with a slight chuckle looking across it all. There was a lot, some (most) of which I didn't know the name of or what they do. I gazed over the first product she'd laid out seeing that it said primer.

"What's a primer?" I questioned confused, to me it just looks like a fancy moisturiser.

"You put it on your face before foundation," Blair explained sorting through.

"So what makeup do you have?" She questioned then directed her eyes to the small makeup bag I'm holding "Please tell me that's not it."

"I'm not really interested in makeup so yeah it is," I said with a slightly awkward laugh not wanting to look like a different person at the end of Blair's makeover.

"Okay let me see what you have then I'll add more and don't worry I won't make you look like a different person you're perfect the way you are," Blair responded giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

I blushed a crimson colour then mumbled: "Okay fine I trust you."

Opening up the bag I take out my eyeliner, mascara and concealer. "This is it."

My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now