Chapter 34

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I know, I told you guys that I am planning on taking part in NaNoWriMo. Since I have to write 50,000 words this month, here are the first 4633 words. 

Yes, I will begin my new book after finishing Aries. This is purely because I have an exam which is getting postponed like crazy and I don't know when the actual test is. To begin a book while writing the previous book sounds stupid to me. So, after Aries is over, I will write the next book, but won't update it soon. Only after I write half the book, will I update, this is for a regular updating schedule.

I have planned what book to write this November (as per the majority, but keep the votes coming in!)

I hope I am doing it right. Let's see. (Basically, only two more chapters and epilogue to go!) 


It was not long before the bond from Liv opened. That opening hit me with a force. The veil was lifted and I knew. I just knew what Liv was trying to protect me from.

Alioth, Saiph and my other pack members gave me a frown, while Aries, Taurus and Megrez seemed to understand what was going on. Taurus, I could understand seeing from the fact that he was like an extended family. I bet Megrez knew because she was what a hybrid, as Aries called her.

Rhaze neared me. "What is it, sis?"

I took in a deep breath to nail the fire that was threatening to escape. Each time that fire tried to find a way out, I blocked it. Varian and Rhaze were nearby. If that fire was out of my control, these two would get hurt.

Just like that, Aries came next to me and held my hand. The second he did that, the fire cooled down. Perhaps, I had calmed down enough to reel in the flames.

"It's bad, Lyra," he muttered. "Controlling your anger like that is very bad."

"If I did not," I hissed, gripping his hand. "Rhaze and Varian will get hurt."

He sighed and did not say anything else. But at his one look, my sister and Varian took two steps back.

"What happened?" Rhaze asked me.

I looked in her anxious brown eyes. At that moment, she was not my sister. She was a Beta asking her Alpha what was wrong to protect her pack better. I could feel the shift in her role. She was more into her rank than into the family bond we had.

"Liv told me," I pulled myself to say. "About the wolf who betrayed me."

Aspen snarled. "Who is it?"

I snapped my eyes to meet Rhaze. And for some reason seeing the strength with which she met my hard glare made pride flare in me.

"A wolf who knew the password of the lab," I said. "A wolf who was a part of the research. A wolf who was the head of the defence of cyber in West Pack."

"Cheryl," Brent whispered. He had not left? "Cheryl? That wolf? She freaking took whips for you that day! Whips that broke Cat more than it broke her. Now she betrayed you?"

I nodded. "She gave the passwords to Harper. Out of her free will. She even imprinted on Max, the newly appointed Delta of West Pack."

"The fuck?" Jed swore. "What is wrong with that female?"

"I wish I knew," I growled. "But I know one thing." I exchanged a look with Aries. "My battle is not on the ground."

Alioth gave me a cool glance. "What do you mean?"

I looked at her. "Liv showed me what has happened in West Pack. Harper brought all the projects back. Especially the mind-control project. She had inserted a kind of nanites that makes her control the minds of her soldiers. Not to mention the hybrids she has created. While Cheryl might have cracked my computer open, upon my command, I can bring the project to a stop. I am the only person authorised to stop it. I have to go to the lab."

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