Chapter 25: warrant

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I woke in a dark room, I looked around and it looked like a cellar.

My head was killing me.I went to stand up and couldn't.

"Fuck." I hissed through clenched teeth.

I tried pulling on the chain but I was too weak.

The cellar was freezing, I had no heat. The only thing that kept me sort of warm was

Andrews button down shirt I've been wearing.

The chattering of my teeth echoed throughout the dirty cellar.

I couldn't move, my muscles ached. I could barley talk, my throat was aching from the lack of water.

I felt like I was suffocating. I don't how long I've been in here, buts it's as if the walls are closing in to crush me.

My mind felt dizzy, I don't know what's happening. I feel like I'm going crazy.

My lips are moving but no words are coming out.

"F-free." those were the only words I heard myself say.

I felt like a prisoner, waiting to be tortured, waiting to be taken somewhere, waiting for death.

My head slipped to the side as I heard the cellar doors open and footsteps made there way to me.

The hanging lightbulb turned in making me wince.

Andrew kneeled down to me and grabbed my chin with one of his large hands.


When I turned the light on I saw her.

Her plump lips were now dry and cracked. her hair was matted, and her eyes were slowly opening and closing.

"F-free." she mumbled.

Clara looks as if she's going crazy.

In the beginning my goal was to maker her love me like I love her, I didn't intended to hurt her. I don't indent to kill my best friend, Eric.

All I wanted was for her to be happy.

"Please. Clara my sweet precious Clara, forgive me."

"I-I.." She mumbled, which I took that as she forgave me.

I unchained her wrists and ankles then kicked her up bridal styles carrying her up out of the cellar.

The cold wind nipped at her skin. she was wearing one of my shirts.

I walked her upstairs and laid her in my bed and ran her a hit bath.

When I sat her on the counter in the bathroom I noticed she was still wearing the
engagement ring. I instantly smiled.

I unbuttoned the shirt and threw it to the side along with her undergarments and gently placed her in the warm water.

After the bath I dried her hair, put the undergarments on and gave her a pair of pajama shorts and a tee shirt.

Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck, surprising me.

I carried her to the bed and places her under the dark red sheets. I changed the bed earlier.

"S-stay. please."

I took off my shirt, and now only in sweats crawled under the covers and wrapped a arm protectively around her.

"Sweet dream my sweet Clara." I said as I kissed her forehead.


"Are you serious it's been days and you still don't have a warrant? Why the fuck not?" I yelled at the officer.

"I'm sorry, but apparently we don't have enough physical evidence to prove mr. Collins took mrs. Daniels."

"Listen, I know where he is all you need to tell a judge is that Andrew has Clara held in his cabin north of town."

"It's not that simple. we don't have full authority, but we are doing everything we can."

"We need to do more. what if she's in danger or... Or..."

"Dead." the officer said.

"DONT SAY THAT!" I yelled making everyone in the office turn their head to me.

"I'll he back in two days. and you better have a warrant."

I'm done with waiting. I'll give them two days and of they can't get a warrant the I'll just have to take my pistol and drive myself to those mountains.

If those cops aren't of any help, then I'll do it myself.

I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for answers. I want that man who had Clara dead and if I'm the one to put the bullet between his eyes, then so be it.

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